Belarusian Literature

The contemporary Belarusian literature finds itself in a situation of a strong competition with the volumes of book production in Russia and translations of the world literature. The term "national literature" in Belarus today is specific for its literary works, developing in the context of a formal bilingualism, which, in practice, represents the predominance of Russian language. As far as the genre structure is concerned, Belarus is not an exception in the world trends, aiming towards "light" genres (detective novels of all kind, fantasy novels, etc.). From the point of view of topics, in the "high quality" literature, prevailing topics usually are: World War II, Chernobyl, the Belarusian countryside, also with new motives appearing: general facts on ongoing processes and the current life in Belarusian cities. Besides that, experimentation in style and form is present.

What is significant for the contemporary Belarusian literature is the co-existence of two forms of literary works: "official" and "alternative". The first of the two is basically represented by members of The Association of Writers of Belarus led by Mikalai Charhinets. The second – The Association of Belarusian Writers. The poet and prose writer, Uladzimir Niakliaeu is considered the main opponent. However, the contemporary literature is rather a literature of "individualists", out of whom each creates their own art world and that is why hardly any institutional affiliation influences the creative work of real artists.


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Unknown said...

some more ideas and facts of the history of Belarusian Literature

Unknown said...

In short, literature is modern, but not very popular. Authors who put books to bed do not want to popularize their works. So people don't know much about contemporary Belarusian art.

Unknown said...

Statistical data shows that in recent years the number of people reading books in Belarusian has declined by almost a third.

Unknown said...

Lukashenko urges Belarusian writers to create interesting books for contemporary readers

Zuzka Š. said...

Germany has donated a part of the books from its exhibition at the 21st edition of the Minsk International Book Fair to Belarusian schools and libraries, BelTA has learnt.
The official ceremony of the German literature donation took place on 6 February. In particular, books for children and the youth in the German language as well as bilingual books were donated to Orsha School No.20 and Minsk Gymnasium No.20. The National Science and technology Library got the books about Germany. Donation of the books after the Minsk book fair has become a good tradition for the Embassy of Germany, which supports Belarusian partner organizations and institutions. The campaign aims to popularize the German language and culture.

Anonymous said...

Famous Belarusian writers (wikipedia)

Inter-war period
Mikhas' Charot
Kuz'ma Chorny
Yakub Kolas
Yanka Kupala
Francisak Umestouski
After-war years
Ales' Adamovich
Uladzimer Arlou
Ryhor Baradulin
Yanka Bryl'
Vasil Bykau
Larysa Geniyush
Uladzimir Karatkevich
Hienadz Kliauko
Ivan Shamyakin
Sakrat Yanovich
Contemporary writers
Raisa Baravikova
Mikalaj Charginets
Ryhor Marchuk
Eduard Skobeleu

Anonymous said...

Список поэтов и писателей Белоруссии

Писатели и поэты Беларуси — это писатели и поэты, работавшие в различные времена на территории Беларуси в современных границах, независимо от их национальности и языка, на котором они создавали литературные произведения.

Писателей и поэтов Беларуси необходимо отличать от белорусских писателей — писателей, создававших произведения на белорусском языке (при этом не учитываются их происхождение, гражданство и место проживания).

Unknown said...

November 15th is the Day of the Imprisoned Writer - international dates in support of writers and journalists who are being persecuted as a result of exercising their right to free expression. Belarus is a member of the PEN committee since 1996. This year, PEN centers around the world pay special attention for five writers from Cameroon, China, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, and Paraguay. To read more about these writers, follow this link

Unknown said...

The literary magazine called "Literary Belarus" (no. 98) released. You can read here about the main events of social and literary life of Belarus, but also about world literary news. It also includes pages of novel of Sergei Veretilo (Сяргея Верацілы) - The age of the beast (Эпоха звера).
You can find it Here
For other Belarusian literary magazines, click here

Unknown said...

In Minsk, a unique album-catalog "book heritage of Belarus" was presented. The publication of this album catalog is timed to the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian printing. The album contains the most important examples of the national heritage of the book from the library, manuscripts and early printed books, and publications devoted to the Belarusian subjects, rare and valuable books, cartographic and pictorial, books of famous Belarusians. Catalog contains more than 400 pages of text and thousands of pictures. More about this project on this page

Unknown said...

In the cultural life of Belarus opening any form of "art space" is a phenomenon, which immediately becomes a big event. In Minsk,literary coffeehouse with selfish tables were opened. Bookstore with coffee - nothing special for us, but in Belarus it is quite rare.
More Here

Unknown said...

By the 200th anniversary of the birthday of Taras Shevchenko was published a book of works of Ukrainian classics translated into Belarusian titled "The Artist".
More about the book Here,
you can also find other book published in Belarus at this page

Unknown said...

Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus urges Belarusian writers to create interesting books for contemporary readers. During his speech he stated: I wonder why we have not seen the books like ‘War and Peace’, ‘Virgin Soil Upturned’ in the past 20-30 years. Does it mean the lack of talents? Or is this due to the objective life conditions when a book stops to be the main source of information?''

My questions are: Do you think urging writers can help them to write ''more interesting'' or ''better'' books? Do you think this is the right way of improving quality of literature? Just think about it. I'll be happy to read your opinion so we can discuss it.

eugene said...

Ультраправый писатель Юрий Станкевич написал книгу для детей:

eugenia said...

Ako sa v úvodnom článku spomína, súčasná literatúra je výrazne ovplyvnená súčasnou spoločenskou, politickou a sociálnou situáciou ako aj životom v Bielorusku vôbec.
Fotograf Vitus Saloshanka vo svojom fotoprojekte reflektuje zmeny v tradičnom živote na vidieku a predmestiach Minska objavením sa takzvaných "nových boháčov" (nouveau riche) a ich výraznej sebaprezentácií svojimi obydliami. Mnohé z nich pripomínajú zámky a vidiecke šľachtické sídla z minulosti. Nielenže vytvárajú utopický dojem a zvýrazňujú narastajúcu sociálnu nerovnosť, ale podľa autorových slov odrážajú aktuálne témy súčasného pátranie Bielorusov po svojej identite a postavení v spoločnosti.
Fotografie k projektu a prekliky na autorove iné projekty, odzrkadľujúce život v Bielorusku nájdete tu:

Linda Pavelková

Unknown said...

Day of Belarusian Written Language is an annual holiday. The holiday concept reflects the history of the written language and book publishing in Belarus as well as the development of the Belarusian literature and culture at a present stage.

Unknown said...

Day of Belarusian Written Language is an annual holiday. The holiday concept reflects the history of the written language and book publishing in Belarus as well as the development of the Belarusian literature and culture at a present stage.

Unknown said...

Day of Belarusian Written Language is an annual holiday. The holiday concept reflects the history of the written language and book publishing in Belarus as well as the development of the Belarusian literature and culture at a present stage.

Unknown said...

Университет в честь Максима Така

Писатель и поэт Макс Танк родился 17 сентября 1912 года в небольшом белорусском селе Пильковщина.
Он прожил длинную жизнь, полную и грустных, и радостных событий. Свой опыт Макс Танк и вложил в свои многочисленные произведения.
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:
В его честь был построен педагогический университет.
Многие учителя и преподаватели являются выпускниками этого университета, а некоторые даже и писателями.
И так, в сердцах студентов, Макс Танк продолжает жить.
Более подробную информацию об университете вы можете найти на сайте:

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Viktar Martsinovich je bieloruský spisovateľ , novinár a učiteľ, ktorý maturoval v čase , keď líderom krajiny bol Alexander Lukashenko a skonsolídoval krajinu do post- sovietského Bieloruska . V roku 2009 napísal svoj anti-utopický román Paranoia, ktorý mne osobne, podľa obsahov, ktoré som čítala , pripomína knihu Georga Orwella 1984, čo môže byť odrazom práve na politický režim , ktorý tento spisovateľ stihol zažiť.
.Napísal tiež romány ako Sfagnum a "Мова". V súčasnej dobe sa Viktor venuje internetovej literatúre a takisto sa stretáva s ľuďmi pri rôznych diskusiách. Nedávno, (1.10. 2015) sa so svojimi kolegami zo spisovateľskej scény napríklad s ukrajinským spisovateľom Andrejom Lubkom vybral na takúto diskusiu, kde sa s poslucháčmi rozprávali na témy ako "роль писателя в обществе", čiže rola spisovateľa v spoločnosti, "границы литературы"- hranice literatúry a podobne.

Unknown said...

The literature of Belarus has historically had to cope with the encroachment of Soviet influence, and a persistent lack of freedom of speech. Despite this, as Lindsay Parnell discovers, a national literary tradition has emerged which foregrounds Belarusian national identity and language, whilst focusing on the traumatic legacy of conflict.

Unknown said...

Šota Rustaveli ,žil v 12. storočí. bol gruzínsky básnik, pokladaný za jedného z najväčších gruzínskych klasikov. Je autorom gruzínskeho národného eposu Junák v tigrej koži (Vepkhist'q'aosani), jedného z najvýznamnejších diel gruzínskej poézie, v ktorom ospevuje rytierské ideály. Rustaveli je pravdepodobne aj autorom niekoľkých ďalších lyrických básní a epigramov.

O jeho živote sa vie len málo, bol zrejme vzdelaný a vysoko postavený šľachtic na dvore Tamary Gruzínskej. Posledné roky života prežil pravdepodobne v Jeruzaleme, ale ani jedna z týchto informácií nie je úplne istá.

Jeho dielo Junák v tigrej koži bolo preložené do mnohých svetových jazykov. Napríklad do angličtiny.

Unknown said...

Moris Pocchišvili (* 1930) je gruzínsky básnik a prekladateľ.

Jeho básne sú plné moderných prekvapivých obrazov, no nespreneverujú sa gruzínskym literárnym tradíciám, nepopierajú ich. Sú meditatívne, často zachádzajú do ríše detstva. Nevyhýbajú sa tragickému v živote, no napriek tomu sú prehriate optimizmom. Básnikovým hobby je maliarstvo, jeho básnické vidiny sú plastické. Mnohé autorove verše sú zhudobnené a spievajú sa po celom Gruzínsku.[1]
Mesto Dolný Kubín mu za preklad Krvavých sonetov Pavla Országha Hviezdoslava udelilo čestné občianstvo a Hviezdoslavovu cenu.

Unknown said...

Project dedicated to: "Classic writer of Belarusian literature Maksim Bahdanovich. To the 120th anniversary of the birthday."
"The purpose of the project is to show what a great contribution Bahdanovich made into the development of Belarusian literature and the national rebirth in Belarus, to acquaint the general readership with the poet's life and literary output by creating in the Internet a more complete picture on the subject with the use of primary documentary sources"

Unknown said...

A project dedicated to: "Classic writer of Belarusian literature Maksim Bahdanovich. To the 120th anniversary of the birthday."
"Aims of the project
The purpose of the project is to show what a great contribution Bahdanovich made into the development of Belarusian literature and the national rebirth in Belarus, to acquaint the general readership with the poet's life and literary output by creating in the Internet a more complete picture on the subject with the use of primary documentary sources.
Additionally, the project aims to expand knowledge into the history of Belarus and the Belarusian national culture."

Anonymous said...

Andrej Chadanovič, jeden z najpopulárnejších bieloruských básnikov. Je autorov viacerých básnických zbierok a pesničiek. Do bieloruštiny preložil niekoľko diel od Leonarda Cohena či Jurija Andruchovyča.

Anonymous said...

Andrej Chadanovič je absolventom Filozofickej fakulty na Bieloruskej štátnej univerzite, kde prednáša svetovú literatúru. V Bieloruskom Kolégiu vedie seminár umeleckého prekladu.

Anonymous said...

Básničky a eseje Andreja Chadanoviča boli za posledné roky preložené do desiatich európskych jazykov. Niektoré boli preložené aj do slovenského jazyka Jurajom Andričíkom.

Anonymous said...

Andrej Chadamovič je známym organizátorom literárnej súťaže Ya Maju Tvor pre školákov.

Anonymous said...

Andrej Chadamovič je prezidentom bieloruského centra PEN, ktoré sa už desiatky rokov intenzívne zaoberá literatúrou.

Anonymous said...

V roku 1985 bol natočený film "Choď a pozeraj sa" podľa knihy známeho bieloruského autora Alesa Adamoviča.

Unknown said...

Ольга Тарасевич. В российском издательстве "Эксмо" вышло шесть новых книг: “Кольцо леди Дианы” (2010), “Любовь по Интернету, или Подари ему весь мир” (2010), “Сокровище князей Радзивиллов”(2010), “Подарок Мерилин Монро” (2011), “Золотой венец Трои” (2012), “Альбом страсти Пикассо” (2012). Суммарный тираж - более 250 тысяч экземпляров.
Читать полностью:

Unknown said...

Проблемы белорусской литературы обсуждались с писательницей Ольгой Тарасевич во время онлайн-конференции на этом сайте:
во время конференции молодой Ольге задавали интересные вопросы, а она искренне отвечала

Daniel said...

Ihar Babkov - významný bieloruský spisovateľ, ​básnik, filozof a prekladateľ. Je členom Zväzu bieloruských spisovateľov a bieloruského PEN-Centra (spoločenstvo s cieľom podporiť slobodu vyjadrovania). V roku 1990 sa angažuje na obnove týždenníka "Naša niva", s úmyslom vytvoriť ne-sovietsku bieloruskú kultúru. Je jedným zo signatárov Bieloruskej deklarácie slobody.

Unknown said...

Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín. It welcomes poets, artists and delegates from 40 countries. On this festival participate belarusan poet, translator, author of essays Andrei Khadanovich.

Unknown said...

Andrei KHADANOVICH is the author of eight collections of poetry. Besides he is a translator of English, French, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian poetry, he has had his work translated into 14 languages. He is the president of PEN Belarus. He teaches literature at Belarusian State University and Belarusian National Jakub Kolas Lyceum of Liberal Arts, and translation at the Belarusian Collegium. He participates courtesy of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State.

Unknown said...

Horia-Victor Lefter is a political analyst who specializes in Central and Eastern Europe, with a focus on Belarus, Romania and Moldova.

Unknown said...

Ihar Babkov – belarusian writer , poet and his book Minútka.

Unknown said...

Iryna Khalip (born November 12, 1967) is a Belarusian journalist, reporter and editor in the Minsk bureau of Novaya Gazeta, known for her criticism of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. TIME selected her for the 2005 special issue "European Heroes", category "Brave Hearts". In 2009 she was awarded the Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women's Media Foundation. She is married to former Belarus presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, an opposition activist and recipient of the 2005 Bruno Kreisky Award.

Unknown said...

In days June 20th to 27th, came to Slovakia delegation of Belarusian writers and cultural workers. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the visit of a large Belarusian poet Janko Kupala in Slovakia came wandering in his footsteps, to get to know colleagues from the Slovak tongue and culture workers and learn about our culture and homeland, to which J. Kupala remembered with great respect. In Bratislava they welcomed representatives of the Association of Slovak Writers, who provide them with a rich program, including the possibility to get to know our capital.
More here:

Unknown said...

Andrei Kadanovich, Chairman of the Belarusian PEN Centre, which, together with Radio Liberty organizes the literary prize named after Frantsishak Aliakhnovich, named the most outstanding works competing for the prize this year.

Among the nominees of this year's prize there were Nasta Azarka, Ales Bialiatski, Aliaksandr Bud-Husaim, Zmitser Dashkevich, Ihar Mikhnavets Feliks Peker, Pavel Seviarynets, Aliaksandr Fiaduta and Iryna Khalip.

Unknown said...

I would like to share one article about contemporary Belarusian literature. The author of it, is last winner of Visegrad Eastern Partnership Literary Award, Ihar Babkou. You may learn a lot of interesting information, f.e.: The new literature is the literature that reiterates its urban origins, modernity, sophistication and aestheticism. The new artists mastered the language and culture, attained them consciously, as a new cultural code, in which and through which various curious things could be deciphered. In other words, Belarusian literature is regarded as a project, a place to which one flees and a Utopia. Or about new wave which consists of three generations. Another information you can find HERE

Unknown said...

Another page I have found is about Belorusian Literary Awards. I found out there are many of them: Jerzy Giedroyc Literary Award, Maksim Bahdanovich Début Award, Ales Adamovich Award, Frantsishak Bahushevich Award, Frantsishak Alyakhnovich Award (This award was founded in 2013 by Belarusian PEN Centre in cooperation with Radio Freedom. It’s given for the best book written in prison. The founders of the award plan to reward it annually until the time it will be topical but they hope it will lose urgency as soon as possible.).

Unknown said...

Michas Stralcou International Poetry Festival “Poems on the Pavement”
This annual poetry festival gathers writers from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Estonia etc. Festival program traditionally includes poetical readings, poetry slams, presentations of new books and rewarding the winners of literary contests.
If you want to know more, please, visit this page

Unknown said...

Polish-Belarusian literary award for Ihar Babkou
Belarusian writer Ihar Babkou has been given last year’s Jerzy Giedroyc Award for his novel “A moment: three histories”, which raises some distressing questions about Belarusian society.
Babkou received the award from the Polish Ambassador in Belarus Leszek Szerepka on June 2 at a ceremony in Minsk.
The award, founded by the Polish Embassy in Belarus, the Polish Institute in Minsk with the local PEN Center, and the Belarusian Writer’s Union, is named after Jerzy Giedroyc, a Polish public intellectual and famous advocate of reconciliation among East European states after WWII.The main idea behind the Jerzy Giedroyc Award is the popularization of Belarusian language literature in Poland and Belarus and fostering cultural relations between the countries. The winner of the award receives EUR 10,000.

Unknown said...

Ihar Babkov
Významný bieloruský spisovateľ, básnik, filozof a prekladateľ. Narodil sa v Homiel (Bielorusko). Je členom Zväzu bieloruských spisovateľov a bieloruského PEN-Centra.
Prikladám link s jeho stručným životopisom :

Unknown said...

Článok o získaných cenách spisovateľa Ihara Babkova .

Unknown said...

Interview s bieloruským spisovateľom Iharom Babkovom v ktorom sa vyjadruje ku svojej knihe Minútka .

Unknown said...

20 až 27.6.2015 sa na Slovensku stretli Bieloruský spisovatelia so zástupcami spolku slovenských spisovateľov .
Vid. Fotografie :

Unknown said...

Štyridsaťtriročný Bieloruský spisovateľ Valerij Aleksandrovič Rassoľko , miluje nie len literatúru , ale aj cestovanie. S novinárom Aleksandrom Čugurjevom , ktorý je zároveň aj jeho dlhoročným priateľom , sa vydali na zaujímavú desaťtisíc kilometrovú cyklo-expedíciu po ktorej spoznávali kultúru , ľudí a zvyky 7 krajín sveta .
Článok je síce neaktuálny ale o to zaujímavejší.

Unknown said...

Jakub Kolas bol bieloruský spisovateľ , dramaturg , kritik , publicista , prekladateľ no predovšetkým spolutvorca súčasnej bieloruskej gramatiky .
Niečo o jeho živote a dielach :

Unknown said...

Článok a rozhovor s bieloruským spisovateľom Maksom Ščurom ktorý už niekoľko rokov žije v Českej republike .

Unknown said...

Площадь в честь Якуба Коласа.
Белорусский поэт Якуб Колас, родился 22 октября 1882... В 1906 году первая публикация — стихотворение «Край родимый» в белорусской газете "Наша доля". Сидел в тюрьме, получил много наград и две Сталинских премии в 1946 году за разные стихотворения и в 1949 за поэму «Хата рыбака».
Умер 13 августа 1956.
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:
В его честь была названа площадь, она расположена на месте исторического местечка Комаровка. Раньше был на этой площади уместен кран первого в стране издания электрической газеты "Новости".
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:

Unknown said...

День переводчика
30. Сентября – день переводчика. Интересную статую и видео о Этом празднике можете посмотреть в Минском телевидении на этом сайте:

Unknown said...

Белорусские журналисты получили награду за свою работу, более информации найдоте здесь:

Unknown said...

Tеатр Янки Купалы

Яанка Купала родился 25 июня 1882 в Минской области. Был поэтом-переводчиком и драматургом. Например, фильм-спектакль по одноименной пьесе Янки Купалы – Павлинка – стал известным по всей стране. Даже некоторые магазины названы в его честь. Сюжет этого фильма таков: девушка Павлинка влюбилась в учителя Якима. Собака зарыта в том, что их родители не согласны на их свадьбу. У нас похожее дело тяжелой любви описывает Маргита Фигули в книге "три Каштановых коня".
Фильм можно посмотреть здесь:
Более подробная информация о жизни Янки Купалы:Янка_Купала
В честь этого писателя называется белорусский театр. Об этом театре больше можно прочитать здесь:

Erich Németh said...

4. septembra 2015 sa spisovatelia z 15 krajín zúčastnili na oslavách Dňa Bieloruského Písaného Jazyka v meste Shchuchyn (čítaj Ščučyn). Program osláv zahrňoval prezentácie nových kníh, tlačených produktov a literárne konferencie. Medzi účastníkmi sa nachádzali spisovateľa, básnici, vedci, novinári, učitelia a kultúrni pracovníci.

Erich Németh said...

29. septembra 2015 sa v Moskve udiala ceremónia na počesť otvorenia buznisového a kultúrneho centra Bieloruskej ambasády v Ruskej federácií. Červená stužka novopostaveného komplexu bola prestrihnutá predsedom vlády Bieloruska Andrejom Kobyakovom a hovorcom Štátnej dumy Ruskej federácie Sergejom Naryškinom. Andrej Kobyakov poznamenal, že dlho rozmýšľal nad myšlienkou postavenia komplexu na prezentáciu literatúry, kultúry, ekonomiky a tradícií Bieloruska v Moskve. Veľvyslanec Vladimír Grigoryev bol ten kto prišiel s plánom ako z realizovať tento nápad a tak dostal k dispozícií prostriedky na realizáciu projektu.


Unknown said...

The examples of Kupala's poetry can be found on a separate website with English translations, the project implemented by the Yanka Kupala Central Public Library. Website link:

Unknown said...

Link for the National Libary of Belarus (, where can be found many information about B. literature, online reading rooms and samples of the significant Belorussian literature works.

Unknown said...

One of translation of Kupala´s poems; From Forebears' Ages, Long Since Gone

From forebears' ages, long since gone,
A heritage has come to me,
Among strange folk, among my own,
Me it caresses, motherly.

Of it to me dream-fables sing
Of first thaw-patches, vernally,
The woods' September murmuring,
An oak-tree lone, half burned away.

Memories of it, like storks aclack
Upon the line have woken me,
Of a mossed fence, old, gone to wrack,
Fallen near the village, brokenly;

The dreary bleat of lambs that pours
Out in the pasture, endlessly,
The caw of the assembled crows,
On the graves in the cemetery.

And through black night and through white day
I keep, my watch unceasingly,
Lest this my treasure goes astray,
Lest by drones it should eaten be.

I bear it in my living soul
Like torch-flame ever bright for me,
That through deaf darkness to my goal,
Midst vandals it may lighten me.

With it lives my thought-family.
Bringing dreams of sincerity . . .
And its name, all-in-all must be
My native land, my heritage.

Unknown said...

A Belarusian novel encourages citizens to question their own role in perpetuating the regime that governs them. This is the main idea of Victor Martinovich's dystopia "Paranoia". This novel is about love in time of dictatorship. The love between a man and a woman is described with freshness, subtlety, depth and joy. In the background is the dark, sinister world of authoritarian rule, with its frozen emotions, unspoken truths, and bizarre understanding of reality - so well entrenched in people’s heads that they are unsure which thoughts and fears are their own and which are implanted into their minds by overbearing power.The Belarusian authorities’ nervousness is understandable on two counts. First, the regime depicted in the novel is more melodramatic in its behaviour than the current reality (for example, the secret services kill dissenting young people rather than incarcerating them or expelling them from universities). Thus the novel runs against the message of “changing Belarus” the government is keen to present to Europe and the world beyond, to win their confidence and investments. Second, the country portrayed has the atmosphere of a poignant, worried and lonely individual, far from the happy collectivist atmosphere the Belarusian authorities seek to project. (MY SOURCE)

Erich Németh said...

Life of Vasil Bykov (Vasil Uładzimiravič Bykaŭ) in the USSR after World War 2.

Vasil Bykov rightfully holds a place in the front row of the front-generation writers. Bykov's literary achievement lies in his sternly realistic, depictions of World War II battles. In the ferociousness of encounter they face moral dilemmas both face-to-face with their enemies and within their own Soviet world burdened by ideological and political constraints. He started his career in the mid-1950s, when he started work as journalist for "Hrodna Pravda" newspaper. During that time, his first novellas were coming out of his work of which the most famous are "Sotnikaŭ", "The Obelisk" and "To Go and Not Return". In one of his english translated novellas the "Sign of Misfortune" he challenged the official version of the war. This brought upon him vicious accusations of "false humanism" from some Red Army generals and the Communist Party press. Nevertheless, he became one of the most admired writers in the USSR and in 1980 he was awarded the title of People's Writer of the Belarusian SSR.

Unknown said...

Maxim Adamavich Bahdanovich was a Belorussian writer who was an important author of literature demanding independecy from Tsar´s Russia. In his works he is devoted to social and national independency of Belorussian people. He calls Russian Empire "The jail of the nations". He died from tuberculosis 1917 (age 25).

Unknown said...

More information about Maxim Bahdanovich, his poems and other works can be found on:

Unknown said...

Translation of Maxim Badanovich´s "Зорка Венера" to English language:

Venus, new-risen above the broad skyline,
Brings with her bright-shining memories of love.
Do you recall, when we met for the first time
Venus new-risen above?

From that time forth, evermore skyward gazing,
Seeking that planet, I'd scan heaven o'er,
Within me, a deep silent love for you blazing,
From that time forth, evermore.

But the time of our parting draws near, ever nearer,
Thus does our fate, does our fortune appear;
Deeply, profoundly, I love you, my dear one,
But the time of our parting draws near.

In that far country, my love buried deeply,
I shall live drearily, yet high above
I shall gaze on that planet each night, vigil keeping,
In that far country, my love.

Gaze upon Venus once more, though far distant
One from another, there mingled we'll pour
Our glance, let love flower if but for an instant...
Gaze upon Venus once more!

Unknown said...

Belarusian Written Language Day – September 6th, 2015 What it is ?
The Belarusian Written Language Day Festival is marked in order to popularize achievements of the domestic literature culture, preserve the succession of spiritual traditions of Belarus. The event provides a unique opportunity to get familiar with the living language, people who participate in creating books, newspapers, and magazines.The festival is traditionally held in towns, which are historical centers of culture, science, literature and book printing. The first holiday took place in Polotsk in 1994. In the years later, the Belarusian Written Language Day was marked in Turov, Novogrudok, Nesvizh, Orsha, Pinsk, Polotsk, Zaslavl, Mstislavl, Mir, Kamenets, Postavy, Shklov, Borisov, Smorgon, Khoiniki, Gantsevichi, Glubokoye, Bykhov. This year was held in the town of Shchuchyn, Grodno oblast.
The participants and guests of the celebrations are given a unique chance to get familiar with the new books and meet national and foreign writers, poets, journalists and publishers. By tradition the Belarusian Written Language Day Festival includes an award ceremony of the winners of the best literary work contest, a science-to-practice conference, and many more interesting events.

Unknown said...

Belarus took part in the 28th Moscow International Book Fair on 2-6 September. The national exposition was organized by the Belarusian Information Министры.
Belarusian published regularly participate in the international forum. This years national exposition was feature a wide range of recently published books, including encyclopedias,business literature, scientific and educational books, reference literature fiction, and childrens books. A separate section was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Erich Németh said...

On 22nd June of 2003, classic of Belarusian and world literature Vasil Bykov died.

The Belarusian and world literature has suffered a loss - 79-year old famous writer Vasil Bykov died on June 22 2003. It happened in the Belarusian research institute of oncology and medical radiology named after N. N. Aleksandrov.

The day of his death coincided with the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. June 22 is the date, which turned Vasil Bykov’s life and made him start writing which meant it was symbolic for him. He celebrated his last birthday three days before in the homeland, where he returned after taking a course of treatment abroad.

Erich Németh said...

Vasil Bykov - His Battalion And, Live Until Dawn (Piata šibenica. Dožiť do úsvitu)

War psychological novel of the Belarusian author. The two main characters - partisans Sotnikov and Rabyk - for one freezing night they have to get some food for the starving, besieged partisan unit. The settlement, which they hoped to find something in was found burned to the ground. After further hardships they find themselves on death row, along with thirteen year old Jewish girl and the other two. Here, the mask will fall from them, and before the death they have to verify their philosophy of life and moral values.

Vo svojich príspevkoch sa budem hlavne orientovať na správy o Bieloruskej literatúre vo všeobecnosti a život a diela Vasila Bykova + preklad recenzií do angličtiny.

Erich Németh said...

25. júna 2015 sa na webe "charter97" objavila informácia, v ktorej sa píše, že Centrálne Kníhkupectvo v Minsku predávalo proti-Ukrajinské knihy. Objavili sa aj mená autorov ako Eduard Limonov, Nikolaj Azarov a Andrej Kulakov, ktorí píšu o Banderovi a tzv. "genocíde" Rusov vo východnej Ukrajine. Web sa odvoláva na rádio "Svoboda".

Erich Németh said...

Zväz Bieloruských Spisovateľov - The Belarusian Writers´ Union

The Belarusian Writers’ Union is the oldest of today’s creative organizations of Belarus. It was founded in 1933 – 1934. Previously it used to be called the Union of BSSR’s Writers and the Union of Belarus’ Writers.

Takes an active part in social and cultural life of the country, fostering promotion and development of the Belarusian language. The union’s objectives are protection of copyright and representing authors’ interests, promotion of the freedom of speech and defence of literary heritage...

Unknown said...

Ales Bialiatski – a head of Belarus Human Rights Centre Viasna, Vice president of International Federation of Human Rights and nowadays former political prisoner1 wrote a book of critical literary essays “Enlightened by Belarusian issue.” He started to write it in 2011 before arrest and kept on the work during his imprisonment by sending texts in letters. Through this book the author brought for the first time the term "Belarusian prison literature" into modern belarusian literary studies. Moreover he writes about almost unkown author from 1920s’ Khviados Shynkler who perished in WWII and in the book are also reviews on different poetry works such as “Stremka” written by his friend Siarzhuk Sys.
Palina Stsepanenka who composed the book describes Bialatski’s reaction after its publication: ‘‘On 6 February I received a letter from Ales, he writes that the publication of a book was a cultural shock for him, as he has never even dreamed that there would be such a book.‘‘2 She also mentions that the author was very pleased by the fact that the Uladzimir Vishneuski made the cover.

1 More about Ales Bialiatski and the story of his imprisonment in Slovak language and in English
2 P.Stsepanenka,Book by Ales Bialiatski appears in print

Unknown said...

The fate of "Enlightened by the Belarusian Issue" by Ales Bialiatski
Belarusian customs officers at the Belarusian - Lithuanian border crossing “Kamenny Loh” seized 40 copies of "Enlightened by the Belarusian Issue" in July 2013 from human rights activist Tatsiana Reviaka.1 Ashmiany Customs Office requested the book for examination and the expert committee came to conclusion that the work ‘‘could damage the image of the Republic of Belarus.‘‘ 2
Of course that the conclusion seemed suspicious and I personally ask a question what are the concrete passages in the book of critical literary essays which might damage the image of the Republic of Belarus. The truth builds, not damages. Maybe this is the fact that ‘‘expert commitee“ should accept at first.
1 Tatsiana Reviaka
2 Ales Bialiatski's book about literature, "damages the image of the Republic of Belarus"

Daniel said...

Svetlana Alexijevičová is 67 years old writer is a hot nobel price candidate for literature from Belorussia. The winner will be announced on 10/8/2015 by swedish royal academy.


Daniel said...

Svetlana Alexievich wins 2015 Nobel prize in literature. Her writings were described as "monument to suffering and courage in our time".


Unknown said...

Улица в честь поэта Бачило
Поэт Александр Николаевич Бачило родился 2 марта 1918 году в Минской области, был заслуженным советским деятелем культуры. Работал учителем белорусского языка и литературы. Очень любил свою родину, что можно сразу заметить по его стихам, большинство из которых стали песнями. В честь Бачило была названа улица в Минске.
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:

Unknown said...

Национальный академический драматический театр именем Максима Горького.

Максим Горький был русским писателем, прозаиком и драматургом, наверное, поэтому его именем назван театр в Минске. Называться именем Максима Горького этот театр стал в 1955. Играли здесь прежде всего русскую классику, например: Мещане, Дети солнца, и т.д. Первое произведение Горького - Макар Чудра, было опубликовано в 1976 году в газете Кавказ.

Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:Максим_Горький#.D0.A0.D..

Unknown said...

Улица в честь литературного критика Белинского.

Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский родился в Финляндии 11 июня 1811 года и умер 17 июня 1848 года в Санкт Петербурге. Был русским мыслителем, писателем, литературным критиком и публицистом. Стихи сочинял уже в ранней юности, позже стал писать в прозе драму. В его честь было названо много улиц, одна из них находится в Минске.

Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:Белинский,_Виссарион_Гр..

Unknown said...

Улица, названная в честь Бровки.
Пётр Устинович Бровка был народным поэтом и известным советским писателем. Писать прозу начал с 1926 года. Дебютировал в газете «Чырвоная Полаччына». Написал много книг и стихов. Вы их можете найти на его сайте:

Русский перевод его стихотворения Ісці да мэты — ўстаць да ўсходу... :
Идти к цели - встать до восхода I дать землю почувствовать ногам, Да, круша стену невзгоды, идти наперекор ветрам. Пусть пугают вихри, Ты не меняй направление свой, Ведь даже птицы против бури Сидят вперед головой.
В его честь была названа улица в Минске. Вы можете найти её на карте по этому сайту:
Более подробную информацию о его жизни найдёте по этому сайту:Бровка,_Пётр_Устинович

Unknown said...

Svetlana Alexievich, a Belarussian journalist and prose writer known for deeply researched works about female Russian soldiers in World War II and the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday (6.10.2015) “for her polyphonic writings, a monument to suffering and courage in our time,” the Swedish Academy announced.
Ms. Alexievich, 67, is the 14th woman to win the literature prize, and one of just a few Nobel laureates to be recognized for nonfiction. While the Nobel committee has occasionally awarded the prize to philosophers and historians, including Bertrand Russell and Winston Churchill, it has been more than half a century since a dedicated nonfiction writer has won what many regard as literature’s most prestigious award.

Unknown said...

A book Paranoia, by a belurusian writer Victor Martinovich, is a novel about love in time of dictatorship. Two days after it hits Minsk bookshops and Belarus’ Internet retailers, it is suddenly “unavailable.” It is as if the book never existed. But it does, and free electronic versions of the elusive novel are now spawning on the Net. Interesting is that the book never mentions Belarus. The dictator is not the president but the secret-service minister, and his character is deliberately crafted to differ from the current Belarusian leader. The author, opens the novel with the pointed statement “All characters are fictional.” Yet Minsk’s landmarks are tangible in his social dystopia.

Unknown said...

On this site is the most famous review of book Paranoia (Victor Martinovich). A tittle is In Darkest Belarus, by literary reviewer and professor of history in Yale, Timothy Snyder.

Unknown said...

Улица, названная в честь писателя Янки Брыля.

Янка Брыль был белорусским советским писателем. Родился 4 августа 1917. Учился в польской школе, позже поступил в гимназию, но у него не было денег, чтобы закончить учёбу, поэтому он занимался самообразованием. Жажда по литературе укрепилась в его душе, и наконец-то исполнилась его мечта стать писателем. Первые стихи публиковал в белорусском журнале – Путь молодежи. Кроме того он автор многих сборников, повестей и рассказов.

В Минске названа улица в честь его имени. Вы можете найти по этому адресу:

Более подробную информацию о его жизни найдёте здесь:Брыль,_Янка

Unknown said...

Ви́ктор Вале́рьевич Мартино́вич (белор. Віктар Марціновіч, нем. Viktor Martinowitsch, род. 1977, Ошмяны) — белорусский журналист, искусствовед и писатель. С 2002 г. — заместитель главного редактора информационно-аналитического еженедельника «БелГазета».
27 июня 2008 года в Вильнюсской Академии Искусств (Литва) защитил докторскую диссертацию на тему «Витебский авангард (1918—1922): социокультурный контекст и художественная критика» («Віцебскі авангард (1918—1922): сацыякультурны кантэкст і мастацкая крытыка»), имеет учёную степень PhD по истории искусств. Преподаёт в Европейском гуманитарном университете.
В октябре-декабре 2014 г. занимается научно-исследовательской работой в Институте гуманитарных наук в Вене (Австрия), где в рамках программы им. Милены Есенской готовит работу о витебском периоде жизни и творчества Марка Шагала.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ванькович Валентий-Вильгельм.

Ванькович Валентий-Вильгельм был белорусским живописцем, представителем романтизма и художником. Родился 14 февраля 1800 года в Минской области. Его родители были известными и богатыми людьми, поэтому ему досталось хорошее образование. Уже в юности он рисовал красивые картины. Позже переехал за рубеж.
Более подробную информацию найдёте по этому адресу.
В Минске находится музей с его вещами, также здесь вы найдёте улицу, названную в честь его имени.

Unknown said...

Улица Гартного в Минске.

Ти́шка Га́ртный – белорусский поэт и редактор. Родился 23 октября 1887 года в крестьянской семье, поэтому его дела были тесно связаны с жизнью народа. Свою литературную деятельность начал в 1906 году. В том же самом году было опубликовано его первое стихотворение «Обездоленный» в белорусской газете "Наша Нива".
Более подробную информацию о его жизни и творчестве найдёте на этом сайте:
В честь его имени была названа улица в Минске.

Unknown said...


There was a lake,
The terminal station of suburban train.

There was a sky,
The terminal station of his flippant dreams,
Six days of travel across the rain.

And there was a sun on the seventh day,
And he saw
That the previous six were worse.

And there were sails,
Steamers and buoys
With the warning “no swimming”.

And they were alone, only two of them in the world
But for natatoriums –
Gulls and school rovers.

And she was topless,
Wearing fashionable shorts,
With an apple in the pocket,
Protruding at one side,
As a tennis woman
Preparing for the first serving…

No need for the second one.


Unknown said...

The next stop is
The indoor flea market.
And you’re threading your way
Between parked bicycles
Afraid of knocking into one
And setting the alarm off,
While the music in your headphones
Is mixing up with street sounds
In the pulse of your music,
And your inner guide tells you:
The next stop is
The indoor flea market.
And the local all-round expert
Is waving two fingers at you,
Either “Victory” or “Quick!
Two Euros for everything
You didn’t even know you needed
To make your life complete—satisfaction guaranteed!”
It’s an Innovations catalogue come to life:
A three-string guitar for playing songs you only half know;
A rake with interchangeable prongs:
Clear the garden, then massage your aching back;
Skates for the short-sighted and anti-tank galoshes;
Traffic lights for the home—no more hallway pile-ups;
A wall-mounted cuckoo-toaster;
A Swiss Army watch with a pull-out corkscrew;
A Singer typewriter that makes carbon copies
Of up to five pairs of trousers;
Wind-up gramophone whisky —78 staggers a minute;
Pornographic cards of secret aerodromes…
And you are almost in the state
When trams stop right outside
The door of your consciousness
And take you to the next floor.
A circle is formed.
There is no way out.
The next stop
Is always the indoor flea market.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Svetlana Alexiev - Bieloruská autorka, ktorá vo štvrtok vyhrala Nobelovu cenu za literatúru za zobrazenie tvrdosti života v sovietskom zväze a odsúdila Ruskú intervenciu na Ukrajine ako inváziu. Dielo je zhromaždenie stoviek rozhovorov ľudí.

Ak si chcete prečítať viac

Unknown said...

Andrej Khadanovich teaches foreign literature at the Belarusian State University and also teaches a translation workshop in the Belarusian Collegium. His collections include Letters From Under the Bedspread (2002), From Belarus With Love (2005) and Berlibry (2008); and he is the first Belarusian poet to have issued his own CD Currency Exchange Office which features poetry-and-jazz improvisations with the musician Siarhey Pukst.
Sergei Pukst

Unknown said...

Andrei Khadanowich live

Unknown said...

The Belarussian audiobook edition features works of Czesław Miłosz selected, translated and read by poet Andrei Khadanovich.
More about event

Unknown said...

Andrei Khadanowich paricipated on the performance King Lear, performed by the Belarus Free Theatre, from Minsk.
King lear

Unknown said...

What is Belarusian PEN center?
PEN center

Unknown said...

Svetlana Alexievich wins 2015 Nobel prize in literature.

She becomes the 14th woman to win the prize since it was first awarded in 1901. The last woman to win, Canada’s Alice Munro, was handed the award in 2013.

Unknown said...

In 2016 the traditional celebrations of the Day of Belarussian Written Language will be held in Rogachev

Unknown said...

In 2015 belarussian author Svetlana Alexijevičova won the Nobel Prize for literature.
She won this prestige award for her polyphonic writing that is a monument of suffering and braveness in our age.
Her books were published in 19 countries. She was born in Ukraine and has grown up in Belarus, where she also graduated at university as a journalist.

Unknown said...

In 2015 belarussian author Svetlana Alexijevičova won the Nobel Prize for literature.
She won this prestige award for her polyphonic writing that is a monument of suffering and braveness in our age.
Her books were published in 19 countries. She was born in Ukraine and has grown up in Belarus, where she also graduated at university as a journalist.

Anonymous said...

Svetlana Alexijevic was born on the 31 of May 1948 in Ivano-Frankivsk. She is one of Belarussian writers. She writes in Russian and also lots of her works were translated to other languages.
Source: Wikipedia: Světlana Alexijevičová

Anonymous said...

In her works Svetlana Alexijevic is interested mostly in the Second World War, Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, Chernobyl disaster etc. For her works she got lots of prizes including Oxfam Novib or PEN Award and also the Nobel prize from this year.
Source: Wikipedia: Světlana Alexijevičová

Anonymous said...

The author Svetlana Alexijevic often criticize the Belarussian „dictator“ Alexander Lukashenko in her works and therefore lots of her works aren't published in her country.
Source: Wikipedia: Světlana Alexijevičová

Anonymous said...

Svetlana Alexijevic won the Nobel Prize for literature this year. She got it for her polyfonic writing, which is the memorial of suffering and braveness. She got also money prize – astimated 870 thousands euros.
Source: Nobelovu cenu 2015 za literatúru získala Bieloruska Svetlana Alexijevičová

Anonymous said...

Svetlana Alexijevic perceived as a commitment to engage in democracy. On conference which was held in Berlin this year she said: „I feel, I take certain part of response so there will be no more frustration and exhaustion in my life.“
Source: Alexijevičová vníma nobelovku ako záväzok angažovať sa za demokraciu

Anonymous said...

President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated herself just few hours after the publication the name Svetlana Alexijevic as literary laureate of this year's Nobel Prize. She was disappointed because nobody of Russian government contacted her.
Source: Alexijevičová vníma nobelovku ako záväzok angažovať sa za demokraciu

Anonymous said...

Svetlana Alexijevic confesses that she writes novels of everyday life which should try to point the age in which we live and record something of chaos in which we live. Interviews which she is going to take part doesn't sense as journalistic work, she will work with them as with literary works.
Source: Alexijevičová vníma nobelovku ako záväzok angažovať sa za demokraciu

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

“Persona non grata” in Belarus Alyaksandr Fyaduta is proud of having written a banned book -Lukashenko: a Political Biography. Although the book was published in Moscow and for a month was on the top of political biography charts, it was not possible to get it in Belarusian bookshops. Moreover anything published under the name of former political prisoner requires special examination on the Belarus border.

Erich Németh said...

Svetlana Alexievich, Belarus Literature Nobel prize winner, has voiced her concerns about upcoming Belarusian elections. She fears they will be unfair, because from the fall of the Soviet Union, not much has changed in her country. She even calls regime in her country as "soft dictatorship".

Erich Németh said...

Nobel Prize in Literature for 2015 was won by Svetlana Alexievich, belarusian investigative journalist and non-fiction prose writer, writing in Russian. She has been described as the first journalist to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Erich Németh said...

Nobel Prize winner Svetlana Alexievich denounces Russian 'invasion' in Ukraine. “I love the good Russian world, the humanitarian Russian world, but I do not love the Russian world of Beria, Stalin and Shoigu,” she said, referring to Soviet leader Josef Stalin, the security chief responsible for Stalin-era mass purges, Lavrenty Beria, and the current Russian defense minister, Sergei Shoigu. The Kremlin replied tartly. “Of course, we congratulate her … But I’m sure she does not possess the information to make a positive evaluation of what is happening in Ukraine,” spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented in Moscow.

Erich Németh said...

7 reasons why the winner of the Nobel Prize in literature is a Belarusian you don't know.

Erich Németh said...

Video of Belarus's Svetlana Alexievich On Receiving Nobel Prize

Erich Németh said...

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko commented on the Nobel Prize for Literature won by Svetlana Alexievich. The head of state said: “I am glad for her because she is a citizen of Belarus. The award means that regardless of your standing you can still work and create, write, speak your mind and so on in Belarus.”

Erich Németh said...

The Belarusian Information Ministry has plans to showcase Svetlana Alexievich's books at Frankfurt Book Fair. “Svetlana Alexievich's books are available in the network of bookstores of the Information Ministry. Representatives of OAO Belkniga said that the news that Svetlana Alexievich got the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature did not catch them unprepared. Svetlana Alexievich's “The War's Unwomanly Face,” “Last Witnesses,” “Zinky Boys,” “Enchanted with Death,” “The Chernobyl Prayer,” “Second-hand Time” are available at the bookstores of Minsk and regional cities and towns,” the ministry noted.

Unknown said...

Literature in Belarus is a political dialogue prohibited in modern Belarusan society. It is an artistic battle with the State ideology and lack of freedom, a balancing act between East and West, serving as a refuge for tender hearts confronted with a hard reality. At the same time, Belarusan literature opposes aesthetic censorship; it is a distinctive observation of the human soul, a journey in the mostly unfavourable conditions of Eastern Europe, wrote Pavał Kaściukievič, Art-director and International projects' coordinator of Kniharnia Łohvinaŭ Publishing House and Literary Center,in the article Go Bisons! 693 words about Belarusian literature
In my opionion the author used very accurate words for description the contemporary literary situation in Belarus. Moreover, Publishing House Łohvinaŭ in recent past went through hard times when government „gifted“ it with fine around 60 OOO dollars. The bookstore survived thanks to crowdfunded campaign.

Unknown said...

Svetlana Alexievich
Journalist and non fiction writer in Russian language. In August 2015 she got a Nobel prize in literature. The ceremonial -
I really like that woman can be so strong and intelligent to get a Nobel prize, because it motivates girls like me to move on in my own life and to not be afraid of anything.

Unknown said...

Valiantsin Akudovich the Belorussian writer and philosopher is responding to elections in Radio Svaboda.
Whole article :TU

Unknown said...

Taras Prochasko and The Month of author´s reading.

Unknown said...

According to words of moderator of Slovak book festival BRAK Peter Michalík, Taras Prochasko is the founder of this festival in some way.
Knižná revue

Unknown said...

Uladzimir Niakliaeu participated the picket in Minsk in September and has interviewed the Radio Svoboda.

Unknown said...

The main idea of the book "Paranoia" (Victor Martinovich)
Paranoia’s strongest point is the truthful, melancholy portrait of the ambiguous realities and confused attitudes of people forced to live under a watchful paternalistic state. Under communism, dissidents could pay lip-service to the regime while preserving in seclusion their own understanding of reality. Under dictatorship-induced paranoia, individual and social truths become so mingled that people begin to lose faith in their own judgment; their personal phobias are multiplied by the fears created by the secret services, so that they do not know where true reality begins and ends.

Unknown said...

Viktar Martinovich, author of a novel painting a nightmarish surveillance society with some distant parallels to Belarus, was surprised to find his book on sale at almost every bookstore when he returned from India in November after a month’s vacation.
Within a few weeks, after some 1,800 of the 3,000 printed copies had been sold, the novel disappeared from bookshelves.
“I can write a new novel about how the book was banned – Paranoia Over Paranoia,” the 32-year-old author said.
If you are interested, you can read full article here.

Unknown said...

Улица Герцена в Минске.

Алекса́ндр Ива́нович Ге́рцен родился шестого апреля 1812 года в Москве. Его отец был богатым человеком, а его матери было всего шестнадцать лет, когда Герцен родился. Из-за этого ему придумали фамилию Герсев из немецкого «сын сердца».
С 1842 года начал писать для журнала Белинского. Известные произведения Герцена: роман «Кто виноват?», рассказ «Мимоездом», повесть «Доктор Крупов», повесть «Сорока-воровка» и другие.

Умер в 1870 году от воспаления легких в Париже.

Интересно, что Беларусь он никогда не посещал, одна из Минских улиц несёт его имя. И это не всё. Улицы Герцена есть и в Витебске, Гомеле, Гродно, Лепеле, Бобруйске, Орше. Также в Гомеле и Бресте есть переулок Герцена. А еще в Гомеле — центральная городская библиотека им.А.И.Герцена.
Философия его жизни была близка коммунизму и, может, поэтому и в других странах бывшего СССР есть улицы, названые в честь Герцена, даже в Словакии в Братиславе.

Более подробную информацию о его жизни вы можете найти по этому адресу:Герцен,_Александр_Ивано..

Unknown said...

Улица в честь Гурского.

Писатель Лев Арка́дьевич Гу́рский родился в 1902 году в Саратове. Был редактором газеты «Лiтаратура i мастацтва». Писал детективные и политические романы. Один из его известных сборников - "А вы – не проект?" (подробнее расписан здесь).
В честь его имени была названа улица в Минске. Можете её найти на карте здесь.
Более подробную информацию о его жизни найдёте по этому адресу:Гурский,_Лев_Аркадьевич

Unknown said...

Улица Дунина-Марцинкевича.

Винцент Дунин-Марцинкевич был белорусским писателем и драматургом. Прежде всего писал белорусскую классику. Родился 4 февраля 1808 года в Бобруйском уезде. Умер 29 декабря 1884 года в Минской области.
Известно, что Минск вообще не любил и никогда его не посещал, но сидел в тюрьме из-за религиозных дел. Большинство своих произведений написал в Лютинке. Одно из них "Лютинка, или Шведы в Литве" связано с местной легендой о иезуитском монастыре и большом сокровищии иезуитских монахов которое до сих пор не удалось никому найти.
В Минске в честь его имени названаулица.
Более подробную информацию о жизни писателя можете найтиздесь.

Unknown said...

Улица Жилуновича.

Дмитрий Фёдорович Жилунович родился 4 ноября 1887 года в крестьянской семье. Говорится, что был очень трудолюбывым человеком и всегда стремился к лучшему. Был белорусским поэтом, драматургом, публицистом и редактором. Свою литературную деятельность начал в 1908 году. В одном из его известных романов "Сокi цалiны" показал пути формирования характера революционера и образ крестьян в годах 1914-1929. (Название романа значит. Целина – это плодородные земли в степях.Соки целины – соки земли. Можно сказать, что это есть такая метафора. )
В Минске в честь его имени названа улица.
Более подробную информацию о его жизни можете найти по этому адресу.

Unknown said...

‘Contemporary readers choose books with fascinating themes as remedy against boredom’ is name of article by Vasily Kharitonov By Vasily Kharitonov. The old-new president of Belarussia press on contemporary writers to write with new ideas, plots, etc. and to link up. He believes that changes in reading habits cannot be laid only at the door of the technological revolution. He asks writers to link up to classics of literature.

Unknown said...

Улица Карпова

Влади́мир Бори́сович Ка́рпов был белорусским писателем и литературным критиком. Во время Великой Отечественной войны участвовал в партизанском движении в Белоруссии. В 1976 году написал книгу воспоминаний и рассказов «Признание в ненависти и любви». Эта книга прежде всего касается партизанской тематики. Но в книжных магазинах её рекомендуют для самого широкого круга читателей.
Кроме этой книги Карпов написал и много других. Вы их можете найди здесь:
В честь имени этого автора названа улица в Минске.
Более подробную информацию о жизни автора можно найти по этому адресу:Карпов,_Владимир_Борисо..

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

In March of this year, there was a conversation with Viktar Martinovich published on youtube, where he was talking about his book An artist Marc Chagall:The Vitebsk years. I really like the way he speaks and the topic is very interesting for me, as I studied an art and Chagall was one of most interesting artist I have happened on in school. The history of artist´s life and also history of Russia is mentioned in here. I recommend to watch EHU Public Conversation "Marc Chagall: The Vitebsk Years (1914-1920)"

Unknown said...

Belorussian autor Viktar Martinovich shares on his facebook website information about Svetlana Alexyevich , who has achieved the Nobel award. He has wrote all the article about how glad is he , that she got the here

Unknown said...

Belorussian author Adam Hlobus has published the cover of his incoming book Зворотная перспектива on his facebook here

Unknown said...

Uladzimir Arlou was present at the protest against actual president Lukashenko. The article, photos and video can be found here.

Unknown said...

In the March of this year the exhibition of Belorussian writer and painter Adam Hlobus has been opened. exhibition. He publishes his works on his facebook website Adam Hlobus

Unknown said...


After all a French story-teller
had a point
when he swore his allegiance
to progress in literature.
Contemporary Homeros
does not depend
on power outage,
he can easily run
a new National library,
though at heart he envies
Ronsard and Beethoven:
after all the best readings
were organized by the Deaf Association.
does not run for the position
of the tenth muse any longer,
now she is all about cinematography;
and though unsuccessful in private life,
she got a Nobel prize
for the promotion of political correctness,
leaving behind Verlaine, Rimbaud and George Sand.
5 | Khadanovich
Old Anacreont
has quit drinking
and can only dream of young girls,
in return he is on the “must-read” list
of all Greek schools and universities.
experienced to the full
the omnipotence of legal experts,
though his country did not abolish
death penalty,
and even if it does –
what could possibly be changed
by a handful of dissidents
with slogans “Where is Villon?”
Hugo, rejected by everybody,
learned from his own experience
that expression “you are a hemorrhoid on my ass”
is not only figurative.
On the other hand now we have show business
and one can always write lyrics for pop songs.
writes a live diary on the internet
and suffers from split personality.
Faulkner and Marquez
are rivals on the tourist market
offering hot tours
to Yoknapatawpha and Macondo.
Only Catullus
didn’t go through any drastic changes:
just like two thousand and something years ago,
he is mourning over the death of his mistress’s sparrow.
Bird flu, you know...


Unknown said...

Interview with Andrei Khadanovich: here

Unknown said...

Khadanovich writes lyrics for the rock band Indiga and the chansonnier Zmitsier Vajtsiushkevich. He has recently turned to free verse and his work can be called post-modernist in its elaborate word games, use of quotations from classic Belarusian and Soviet poetry and Western rock music and unexpected twists on familiar sayings. Khadanovich also translates poetry from English, French, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.

Unknown said...

Andrei Khadanowich visited the festival - Kistrech Poetry Festival 2014 happening in Kisii, Kenya - See

Unknown said...

Khadanovich debuted as a poet in 2003, and has since published a new collection of poetry each year. His works have been translated into English, Czech, Spanish, Lithuanian, German, Slovakian, Slovenian, Russian, Ukrainian and Italian. His own work as translator includes writings in English (Dickinson, Yeats, and Auden), Polish (Gałczyński, Miłosz, Herbert, and Twardowski), Russian (Brodsky, G. Ajgi and Siedokov), Ukrainian (Andrukhovich, Zhadan), and French (Baudelaire, Apollinaire).

Unknown said...

Presidents of Belarusian PEN center:
1990 – 1999 Ryhor Baradulin
1999 – 2003 Vasil Bykau
2003 – 2005 Lyavon Barshcheuski
2005 – 2009 Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu
2009 — till present Andrej Khadanovich

Unknown said...


I remember when I was a child
I’d try and climb up on my granny’s stove —
And my arms would sink up to the shoulders
In the black sea of sunflower seeds
She was trying to get dried.

I remember when I was older
The seeds were drying really quickly
And my girlfriend wasn’t shy
About tucking in right in front of me,
Hulling them with her teeth,
And a husk would be hanging off her lip,
And didn’t put me off kissing her one bit.

And I was removing it,
Carefully, like a bomb disposal officer,
Because the first touch
Could easily be the last one,
And I was looking forward to the sequel:
On the stove some new seeds
Were almost dry.

That’s why I know
As much as Van Gogh about sunflowers
And about pumpkins
A lot more.


Unknown said...

Константин Киреенко.

Константин Тихонович Киреенко был белорусским поэтом, писателем, журналистом, публицистом и переводчиком. Родился 12 декабря 1918 года в деревне Гайшин и умер 5 сентября 1988 года в Минске. Его произведения начали печататься в 1939 году. Написал много сборников и лирических стихов, например, «Утро идёт» (1945 г.) или «Любовь и дружба» (1955 г.) и другие.
В честь его имени названа улица в Минске.
Более подробную информацию о жизни автора можете найти по этому адресу:Кастусь_Киреенко#.D0.9B..

Unknown said...

Ales Adamovič (bieloruský spisovateľ) narodený 3.9.1927. Bol spisovateľ, režisér, literárny vedec a scenárista. Vo svojich knihách zachytával najmä vojnu.
Jedna jeho kniha, ktorú avšak zostavil spolu s Daniilom Graninom, si mohol čitateľ donedávna zakúpiť aj v slovenskýcj kníhkupectvách. Na 221 stranách sme sa mohli dočítať o správaní sa ľudí počas blokády Leningradu.
Celkom zaujímavé by mohli byť jazyky, v akých spisovateľ písal. Jednalo sa nie len o bieloruštinu ale aj o ruštinu.

Unknown said...

Svetlana Alexievich, the Belarusian writer whose oral histories have recorded thousands of individual voices to map the implosion of the Soviet Union, has won the Nobel prize for literature.

She becomes the 14th woman to win the prize since it was first awarded in 1901. The last woman to win, Canada’s Alice Munro, was handed the award in 2013.

More here

Unknown said...

Ales Adamovič (biel. Алесь Адамовіч, rus. Алесь Адамович), vlastným menom Aľaksandr Michajlavič Adamovič, biel. Аляксандр Міхайлавіч Адамовіч, rus. Александр Михайлович Адамович – Alexandr Michajlovič Adamovič (* 3. september 1927, Koňuchi, ZSSR – † 26. január 1994, Moskva) bol bieloruský spisovateľ, literárny vedec, režisér a scenárista. Svoje diela písal v ruštine i bieloruštine. Ich hlavnou témou bola vojna a s ňou spojené riziko sebazničenia ľudstva.

Unknown said...

Štokholm 8. októbra (TASR) - Nobelovu cenu za literatúru 2015 získala bieloruská spisovateľka a investigatívna novinárka Svetlana Alexijevičová (67). Oznámila to dnes v Štokholme stála tajomníčka Švédskej kráľovskej akadémie Sara Daniusová.

Unknown said...

Maks Ščur (biel. Макс Шчур; 5. december 1977, Brest) je bieloruský básnik, spisovateľ a prekladateľ.

V rokoch 1994–1998 bol študentom Minskej lingvistickej univerzity. Od roku 1998 žije v Prahe. Prekladá z češtiny, španielčiny a angličtiny.

Dielo[upraviť | upraviť zdroj]
hra "Smrť tyrana" (Сьмерць тырана, 1997)
zbierka básní "Amfiteáter" (Амфітэатар, Praha-Gdansk, 1999)
zbierka básní "Ranní zbor" (Раньні збор, Štokholm, 2006)
próza "List, nájdený v popole" (Ліст, знойдзены на папялішчы, Poznań)

Unknown said...

Georgij Konisskij (* 1717 – † 1795) bol bieloruský filozof a spisovateľ; vyslovoval sa za zjednotenie Bieloruska a Ruska.

Unknown said...

Sviatlana Aľaksandravna Aleksijevičová alebo Svetlana Alexijevičová (biel. Святлана Аляксандраўна Алексіевіч – Sviatlana Aľaksandravna Aleksijevič; * 31. máj 1948, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukrajina) je po rusky píšuca bieloruská spisovateľka.

V roku 2015 získala Nobelovu cenu.

Vo svojich prácach sa venuje najmä témam druhej svetovej vojny, sovietskej intervencii v Afganistane, černobyľskej katastrofe a ďalším.

Sviatlana Aľaksandravna Aleksijevičová je dcéra vojaka z povolania, pracovala ako učiteľka dejepisu a nemčiny, neskôr sa stala novinárkou a vyštudovala žurnalistiku.

Unknown said...

This month has Belorussian author Viktar Martinovich provided an interview to about his newest book Mova- politician thriller. You can find this interview in here

Unknown said...

Belorussian writer and politician Uladzimir Niakliaeu, who has stood for a president of Belarus has spoken against military bases in Belarus. The article.

Unknown said...

The website theguardian has published many informations about the Nobel prize winner - Belorussian writer Sviatlana Alexiyevich. It´s called everything you should know about Sviatlana Alexiyevich.

Unknown said...

Улица Коласа.
Яку́б Ко́лас (Константи́н Миха́йлович Мицке́вич) был известным белорусским писателем, поэтом и основоположником новой белорусской литературы. Более подробную информацию о его жизни можете найти по этому адресу:Якуб_Колас

Его произведения можно найти по этому адресу:
В честь его имени была названа улица в Минске, также здесь находится его музей.

Unknown said...

Gregory Bovt the reporter of Moscow Times has written an article about Sviatlana Alexiyevich. It´s called What Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich Means to the 'Russian World'.I like this article because there are many patriotic things and the fact that there are really though times in Ukraine made Alexiyevich a national hero, because receiving such a prize and what more of writer , who writes in Russian language is very big succes.
What Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich Means to the 'Russian World'

Anonymous said...

Svetlana Alexijevic indicates like her pattern belarussian writer Ales Adamovic. Its genre called novel’s testimony, bacause he was inspired by real stories. „I see and I hear world exactly. Through the voices, trough detail of being. This is set to my eyesight and my hearing. I felt, that I have need to be writer, journalist, sociologist, psychoanalytist and preacher,“ explains Alexijevic in oneof interviews.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

Writer beginnings of Svetlana Alexijevic were in the then Soviet union very difficult. Manuscript of her first work „War doesn’t have a female face“ was for more than two years in publishers. Second book I left the countryside, was slowly on way to readers, but censors destroyed manuscript. Reproached her „unhealthy pacifism“ and „antistate attitudes“. Change to better for her occurred with arrival of Michail Gorbacov in year 1985.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

After fall of the regime Svetlana Alexijevic came out both books, which have been „prohibited“ so far. War doesn’t have a female face had two million pieces and by novel was also theater game, which has in moscow Theatre on Taganka great aclaim and also in all the country. Is about women from war, who talk about the war, while men don´t.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

In 1989 she wrote the next book which was about the Soviet war in Afghanistan. She traveled to visit the former soldiers and the mothers of soldiers who haven´t come home yet.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

The fourth book by S.A. is about the people, who suicided because of the end of socialism. This book was a theme for movie.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster is the fifth work by S.A., in which she describes the life after disaster. This catastrophic nuclear accident meant tragedy for lots of people. The author writes about the stories of people, who lived in this time.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Anonymous said...

In the present S.A. finishes the book, which is different from the others. The author highlights, that she doesn´t want to describe the misery of her characters anymore. In her work “The Wondrous Deer of the Eternal Quest”, narrators are men and women, who talk to others about the love.
Láska je potrebná, ale ľúbiť človeka je ťažké, tvrdí nobelistka

Erich Németh said...

Opinion of Timothy Snyder on Svetlana Alexievich´s Nobel Prize Award, which he called "The Truth in Many Voices".

Erich Németh said...

The New York Review of Books expressed it´s opinion on Nobel Prize Winner Svetlana Alexievich.

Erich Németh said...

From my point of view tt´s possible that her books were little too one-sided, cause she grew up in the "Post Great Patriotic War/WW2 Stalinist Soviet Union" which had great effect on her life and her generation. She grew up in connection with Russia, Ukraine and Belorusia. Her family was divided between those who fought for Soviet Union and those who were supporting Ukrainian Nationalists. We can never assume her creations are trustworthy, but we can accept it as "Another-point of view". In fact, I am happy that she is strong and tries to do "any-means-necessary" to have the people not witness the opression of ex-Soviet Russia regime.

Erich Németh said...
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Erich Németh said...

Essays by Vasil Bykaw and Ivan Shamyakin gained prominence for their deromanticization of warfare. Pacifism and tolerance were questioned by none of the more or less significant authors of that time. The presence of this theme in works of art was even intrusive. The authorities tolerated that pacifism. In Soviet Belarusian culture, it was one of the manifestations of conformism, a substitute for open dissent, upon which nobody among the front-rank figures of Belarusian culture ventured. That pacifism was so popular and consistent that it became one of the cultural and political canons and turned into a consciousness-determining phenomenon.

Erich Németh said...

Shortened biography of Vasil Bykaw in Czech language mentioning some of his creations.

Erich Németh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erich Németh said...

Short Documentary with name "Return" showing us last farewell with Vasil Bykau during his funeral. Video is named Return because of the fact that Bykau returned to Belorusia to witness his life´s end in his home country after his health became critical. Belorusian president and the one who banned Bykau from the country after waves of his criticism, Alexander Lukashenko, accepted him back after he heard the news, and allowed him to live up his final days in his home country.

Erich Németh said...

Dr. Zina J. Gimpelevich is a Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Born in Minsk, Belarus, she came to Canada in 1979. One of her more known creations is book Vasil Bykau:
His Life and Works
about life, hardships and creations of Vasil Bykau.

Erich Németh said...

Dr. Zina J. Gimpelevich is a Professor at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Born in Minsk, Belarus, she came to Canada in 1979. One of her more known creations is book Vasil Bykau: His Life and Works, which is a passionate literary biography of the Belarusan anti-war and dissident writer who is universally acknowledged as the conscience of his nation.

Unknown said...

Олег Андреевич Бембель белорусский философ, поэт, публицист, диссидент, известный как автор изданной в Лондоне работы:Родное слово и морально-эстетический прогресс.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Victor Martinovich – contemporary writer, journalist and also teacher at European Humanities University in Vilnius, Lithuania has published four novels yet– Paranoia, Cold Paradise, Sphagnum and the newest one is Mova.
Here you can see photos from the presentations of the books - Cold Paradise , Sphagnum and Mova.

Unknown said...

Online and free download legal versions of Victor Martinovich´s books:
Cold Paradise, Sphagnum and Mova in Belarusian language.

Unknown said...

Перевод одного из вершей Якуба Коласа:

Большая дорога
Ждет нас и родной край-
Жатва наступила, работы много, -
Науки семя засевай!

Свет несите - в мраке дремлет
Наш милый край, наш родной край.
Пусть воскреснут наши земли,
Пусть асветлицца наш народ.

Пусть будет спор нам в приключении!
Не царский бич, не барский хам,
Пусть ладится в своём хозяйстве
Создавать народ - способен сам.

Unknown said...

Владимир Владимирович Корш-Са́блин, был известным белорусским кинорежиссёром, одним из основоположников белорусского кино.
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому сайту:
В честь его имя была названа улица в Минске.

Unknown said...

Decline of national culture and also of literature is one of attribute of non-functional society. But, how to proove it? How tu start it up again? One of posssible solution can be seen in Belarus: with help of state ("Lukashenko does not believe in decline of Belarusian literature"). He said: “Throughout the history of our nation, literature has always been the means of learning about the world and educating a personality. For a reason the poetry and prose of Kupala and Kolas, Bogdanovich and Melezh, Korotkevich and Bykov are a source of national pride for many generations of Belarusians."

Unknown said...

Фильм по одноименной сатирической комедии К.Крапивы о проходимцах, бюрократах и лизоблюдах "Кто смеётся последним"
по этому адресу:

Режиссер этого фильма - Владимир Владимирович Корш-Са́блин.

Unknown said...

Кондра́т Крапива́ (белор. Кандрат Крапіва, настоящее имя — Кондра́т Кондра́тович Атрахо́вич) известный белорусский писатель, поэт, сатирик, драматург, переводчик. Более из его жизни можете найти по этому сайту:
Также посмотрите интересное
- воспоминание его внука.
В честь этого писателя названа
в Минске.

Unknown said...

Арка́дий Алекса́ндрович Кулешо́в (белор. Аркадзь Куляшоў) был белорусским поэтом и переводчиком. Первой сборник "Расцвет земли" издал в 1930 году. Переводил прежде всего произведения классической поэзии русских и украинских авторов. Более подробную информацию о его жизни вы можете найти по этому адресу:Кулешов,_Аркадий_Алекса..

В честь его имени была названа
в Минске.

Unknown said...

Ива́н Люциа́нович Неслухо́вский был белорусским поэтом, свои произведения писал не только на белорусском, но и на русском и польском языках. Первое его стихотворение «Не ради славы иль расчёта…» было опубликовано в 1886 году в белорусской газете «Минский листок».
Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:Янка_Лучина
В честь его имени была также названа улица в Минске.

Unknown said...

Михаил Тихонович Лынько́в был известным белорусским писателем. Был редактором журнала «Полымя рэвалюцыі» (Пламя революции) и газеты «За Савецкую Беларусь». В 1919—1922 служил в Красной армии и участвовал в советско-польской войне. Можно сказать, что именно из-за этого множество своих произведений написал о партизанском движении в Белоруссии. Первое его стихотворение опубликовали в газете «Борьба» в 1919 году. Более подробную информацию вы можете найти по этому адресу:Лыньков,_Михаил_Тихонович
В Минске в честь его имени названа улица.

Unknown said...

Max Ščur is Belarusian poet who has fifteen years living in the Czech Republic. In his homeland he released several books of poetry and prose books. After the publication of the play, which critically comment on Lukashenko's dictatorship, he was forced to emigrate.

Unknown said...

Modus bibendi is a book of Maks Ščur. Iconsists of poems characterized by detachment and levity or poems committed arising from natural needs comment events in his country.

Unknown said...

Maks Ščur translates Works of Belarusian authors.
translations of Andrei Khadanovich works

Unknown said...

Maks Ščur (Макс Шчур, 1977) is a poet, writer and translator. He studied Spanish on Minsk Linguistic University, he wrote a political satire, and in 1998 fled from the persecution of the KGB in the Czech Republic. This year, Sweden has issued his own expense Committee's poetry Раньні збор (Early harvest). Extensive manuscript for satirical political novel Там, дзе нас няма (where there are) received a literary award Janky Juchnavce (2004). He is the founder internet magazine, which publishes mostly his own texts and translations of other authors into Belarusian (among others Ladislav Klima, Milan Kundera, Vítězslava Hálka).

Unknown said...

Maks Ščur he sang his musical poetry on festival in Brno.

Unknown said...

Piece of work of Maks Ščur: here

Unknown said...

Article about Ščur from College of Education of Jihočeská univerzita in České Budejovice: here

Unknown said...

Vasil Bykov was a Belarus prose writer and playwright. He was born in 1924 in Bychki village in the Vitebsk region.

Bykov’s creative vision centres on the drama and tragedy of war, and is distinguished by the richly expressed thoughts and feelings of his characters, developed in compelling narratives with a thoughtful philosophical subtext.

Unknown said...

Vasil Bykov rose to popularity with the publication of his story Third Rocket in 1962. In the 1960s he published The Alpine Ballad and The Dead Don't Feel Pain, and in the 1970s Sotnikov, The Obelisk, Live to See the Dawn and To Go and Not to Return. These works have marked Vasil Bykov as one of the greatest writers about war in the 20th century.

Unknown said...

In 1974 Vasil Bykov was awarded the State award of the USSR (for the story Live to See the Dawn, 1973). In 1980 he received the National Writer of Belarus Award and in 1984 was made a Hero of Socialist Labour. In 1986 he got the Lenin Award for the story Sign of Trouble.

Unknown said...

Vasil Bykov also wrote a memoir about his life called ''The Long Road Home''

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