Monday 21 April 2014

Beso Khvedelidze (ბესო ხვედელიძე) 

Beso wrote 13 books and many short stories and plays. He is known as one of the biggest experimentators in the language field – not only uses he dialects but also mixes different language standards. He is said to be very talented and able to write stories of many various kinds – he is not delimitated by one topic and thanks to his fantasy, heroes of his works are very diverse.


Unknown said...

Beso Khvedelidze . Awards and Prizes:

2010 - Winner of the Prize of Literature Bridges, International Festival (Baku)
2010 - Winner of the Literary Contest Litsakhelebi (Tbilisi)
2009 - Winner of the Prize for the best story for the Award October (Moscow)
2004 - Winner of the Literary Contest Pen-Marathon
2007 - Winner of the Prize for Literary Contest Tsero (Tbilisi)
2003 - Winner of the Literary Prize Saba (Tbilisi)
2002 - Winner of the Literary Contest Pen-Marathon

more informations :

Unknown said...

Tamro /by Beso Khvedelidze/

Unknown said...

Beso Khvedelidze, born in Tbilisi in 1972, studied journalism at Tbilisi State University and then worked as editor of various newspapers and literary magazines. His first short stories appeared in literary journals in 2000. Since then he has published more than ten books and won a number of literary prizes. source :

Unknown said...

Georgian writers Davit Turashvili and Beso Khvedelidze were declared by Azerbaijani foreign Ministry as Persona non grata in 2013. According to the spreading information, Azerbaijani Foreign Department banned 335 individuals who visited occupied territory Nagorno-Karabakh without Azerbaijani permission from entering the country.

Kristina Tapakova said...
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Kristina Tapakova said...

Here you can see a performance of Beso in caffe´, reading his poetry and with live music:

Vanesa Csengodyová said...

Georgian writers Davit Turashvili and Beso Khvedelidze have been declared by Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry as Persona non grata.
According to the spreading information, Azerbaijani Foreign Department banned 335 individuals who visited occupied territory Nagorno-Karabakh without Azerbaijani permission from entering the country.
Citizens of foreign countries are in the black list for violation of the Azerabinai state border and distrust to the sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Paťa Patz. said...

Tamro - stará tuláčka s hrubým mejkapom a konštantným úsmevom na tvári, je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou histórie mesta. každý ju pozná.
Tento srdcervúci, hrejivý príbeh o chudobe a hrdosti sa zakladá na skutočnosti a je venovaný pitoresknej postave, ktorú autor osobne poznal. Bývalá veľká kráska skončila ako žobráčka, ale nie typická - skrýva smútok za prostým, teplým úsmevom. Tamro sa stará o slepého postihnutého brata. Pre jeho citlivosť nechce dovoliť, aby si uvedomil, akým ťažkostiam musí čeliť. Miesto toho v mene bratovho šťastia buduje ilúziu bezstarostného života.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Tamro /by Beso Khvedelidze/
Tamro, an old vagabond woman, with heavy make-up and a constant smile on her face; she is an indivisible part of the history of local town. Everybody knows her.
This heartbreaking and warm story of poverty and pride is based on a true story and is dedicated to this picturesque character, whom the author knew personally. A woman, who was a great beauty, somehow ended up as a beggar, but not a typical one – hiding saddest stories behind her simple and warm smile. Tamro takes care of her blind handicapped brother. Because of his sensitivity, she cannot let him realize the difficulties she faces. Instead, she builds illusions of happy and careless life to keep her brother happy. Pushing her limits, she makes the impossible happen, literally the impossible. Extract you can read on the page :

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Beso Khvedelidze sa narodil v Tbilisi ( hlavné mesto Gruzínska ) v roku 1972 aj tu študoval žurnalistiku na Tbiliskej štátnej univerzite. Jeho prvé príbehy sa objavili v literárnych časopisoch v roku 2000.

Viac :