Ukrainian Literature

Since 1991, the dogmatic schemes of the Ukrainian literature development within precisely determined ideological limits of the Socialist realism, valid until that time, have ceised to be in force and been replaced by an intensive search for new aesthetic methods of reality displaying, genre forms, appearance of various literary tendencies. All that has been taking place within complicated political and social contexts of the post-collonial syndrome and its overcoming, rise of freedom of the author's individuality, becoming aware of the author's "self" as a part of the Ukrainian nation and its newborn culture. Among the most significant features of the current literary processes in Ukraine, the change of a long-term civilization and cultural orientation, resulting in the decrease of an until-very-recently strong influence of Russian literature plays a very important role, while the Western literatures continue to be in the spotlight of the readers' attention. New type of a reader is present – he is no longer satisfied with the Socialist-realism stylistics, nor with a narrow national, folk focus, while the influence of internet technologies on the literary processes is constantly growing.
The most noticeable tendencies in the contemporary Ukrainian literature include the return to large prosaic forms, departure from the extreme postmodernism and a significant decentralization of the ongoing processes within culture and literature. An especially positive tendency to be mentioned is a return to the long-term taboo topics, search for new language and stylistic methods, expansion of new genres and a deep, broad reflection of the contemporary social issues and the historical memory. What is noticeable in the today's complicated situation is a constantly growing political (mostly pro-Western and democratic) engagement of the majority of Ukrainian writers.
Read more about the Ukrainian literature

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Unknown said...

Girl ...
by remember me

She always for some reason alone
Lonely and now forever sad
Not theirs, not mine and not whose
Did I not tried

It is certainly my stupid fault,
That is not my sun
My great sorrow and trouble,
What flows through the mountains my water

Unknown said...

by Юта

Something hot. Perhaps it was only me
red paint in the season.
In myself as somewhere in a foreign land,
I find the necessary support.

Unknown said...

Meeting face to face
by Едельвейс137

Table in cafe
For two people. Candles.
The meeting face to face.
All give the evening:
And the feeling of money.

Unknown said...

Coffee in bed ...
by Дарина К.

Coffee in bed - no need
And also air locks
Give your eyes only sky
And the undamped fires of the heart

Unknown said...

25. 10.
by Юта

We were so much - enough for all,
for evil and for good. And for nothing.
And everyone in the world is something that will,
leave something behind for long.

Unknown said...

I will not be afraid!
by Ірина Полюхович

I will not fear thunder, when you are close,
I will not be afraid of lightning, because you shalt my discharge,
I will not fear the fire, because you will be my light,
I will not be afraid of cold, you will be my heat, my love!

Unknown said...

Для читателей послать список украинской литературы Украины прозы :

Unknown said...

Вот список украинских писателей, для тех, кто заинтересован в украинской литературе :

Unknown said...

Google будет удивлять и радовать украинского писателя :

Unknown said...

Книга писателя Станислава Кульчицкого назвали - Книга Года в Украине :

Unknown said...

Шевченков радиомарафон :

Unknown said...

Катастрофические результаты студентов украинскому языку и литературе, свидетельствуют о незнании студентов :

Unknown said...

В школьных учебниках Краснодарском были найдены в украинском языку :

Unknown said...

Статья современной школе, чтобы улучшить обучение студентов в украинской литературе :

Unknown said...

Тургенев и его интерес к украинской литературе :

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Магам можна все»

Представьте, уважаемый читатель, что человек, вот, например, вы - это такой себе домик с множеством комнат, в которых живут их жители. И вот кому-то - посторонному, во всяком случае, не вам, приходит в голову - а что будет, если отселить некоторых жителей, даже не спрашивая владельца дома? Что будет, если препарировать душу человека? .. Таинственный Препаратор начал свое дело. Вместе с ним стал действовать и Хорт из Табор - врожденный маг. Магам, как известно, можно всё, особенно когда у мага есть Корневое Заклинание Наказания, против которого все бессильны. Но... Но дело даже не в том, что его противник тоже маг, он очень могуч и уже миллион лет совершенствует своё магическое мастерство. Дело в том что...

Сначала был «Варан», затем «Медный король», а сейчас - «Магам можно всё». Издательство «Фоліо» представляет: третья книга украинских самых популярных мастеров фэнтези Марины и Сергея Дяченко - это то, что стоит читать.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Мігрант»

Андрей Строганов вдруг оказывается на другой планете - он эмигрировал из Земли. Два последних года его жизни были изъяты в качестве уплаты за визу, поэтому Андрей не помнит, почему решил уехать. Что случилось на Земле, и есть возврата? Тем временем на уютный мир Раа, где оказался Андрей, наползает тень... Роман "Мигрант, или Brevi Finietur" Марины и Сергея Дяченко продолжает цикл «Метаморфозы», начатый романами "Vita nostra" и "Цифровой, или Brevis est», но при этом представляет самостоятельное произведение.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Самум»

Она - современная ведьма-авантюристка, ворожитт и снимает порчу, но верит только в деньги. Он - демон, который вселился в неё. Она - одержимая. Она – гончая. Он - жестокий хозяин. Двое ненавидят друг друга и связаны общей мисиею. Стоит хоть раз ошибиться, опоздать, просчитаться - и ведьма, и демон попадут в ад. Но в таком сложном труде ошибка - всего лишь вопрос времени...

В новую книгу Марины и Сергея Дяченко, кроме романа «Одержимая», вошли также новые повести и рассказы: «Электрик», «Самум», «Жук».

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Ритуал»

Первая любовь и первая измена. Как понять, где добро, а где зло, если добро вызывает ужас, а зло привлекает красотой? «Ритуал» - одно из первых, самых сильных и самых популярных произведений знаменитых супружеской пары Марины и Сергея Дяченко, признанных лучшими фантастами Европы.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Скрут»

Для настоящей любви нет препятствый. Но если на пути влюблённых появится смертельная угроза, а вместо счастья их будут ждать тяжёлые испытания, то это будет настоящей проверкой чувств... А может и подтверждением того, что человеческая природа противоречивая и несовершенная. Ведь не случайно в старом лесу скрывается от мира чудовище - скрут. Говорят, что он - воплощение человеческой измены, которая превратила когда-то бесстрашного воина в безжалостное чудовище. Скрут требует мести, а будущие исполнители его воли уже сами идут к опасному логову.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Марина та Сергій Дяченки: «Цифровий, або brevis est»

Арсен Снижицький, четырнадцать лет (скоро будет пятнадцать). Это в реале. Но реальная жизнь его не очень интересует. Арсен - геймер, прирожденный геймер, для которого игра - это жизнь. В игре он почти всемогущий Министр, у которого есть власть и деньги. Но власти и денег всегда на всех не хватает, как в реале, так и в игре. И Министр проиграл, был казнен публично на главной площади виртуального города... Это конец? ... Да нет, это только начало, начало новой игры. Максим - преферансист из ночного Интернет-клуба. Максим может всё, почти всё. Причем в реальной жизни. Или все же в игре? ... Так или иначе, Арсен начинает сотрудничать с Максимом. Большая Игра начинается...

Daniela Kipilová said...

Віталій Климчук: «Рутенія. Повернення відьми»

Светлана Пыркало, член жюри премии "Книга года", представляет книгу Виталия Климчука: "Рутения - это молодая, талантливая ведьма, с которой мы знакомимся, когда она пытается вспомнить, кто она; но ей приходится узнавать о себе и о своем мире заново . Действие книги происходит в сказочной земли Укрании, которая совмещает элементы Киевской Руси, украинских сказок, скандинавской мифологии, популярных фэнтези-саг ХХ века и современной украинской рок-музыки. Герои книги - почти все волшебники или волшебные существа, обычные люди здесь появляются нечасто. В книге фигурируют сразу три мира, которые объединяет Дерево Вселенной. Вся эта Вселенная хочет завоевать и уничтожить там всё добро чёрный колдун Ахруман, он же Ворон. Ему противостоят ведьмак, ведьма, русалка, зильник, нищий, большие змеи и другие существа <...> ".

Daniel said...

Ihor Pavlyuk

Ukraine author one of Europe’s most versatile poets.

His works are translated into: English, French, Polish, Russian and last but not least Japanese.


Daniel said...

Andrey Kurkov

born 23 April 1961 in Leningrad. He is Ukrainian novelist and an independent thinker.

Kurkov's very first novel was published two weeks before the fall of the Soviet Union.


Daniel said...

Maria Matios

Ukrainian poet and novelist Maria Matios was born in the village of Roztoky. Her prose works have been translated into Russian, Polish and English. Her book "Vyrvani storinky avtobiohrafiji" was about to be banned.

More here

Daniel said...

Serhij Žadan

is living near borders with Russia. In clashes he was injured and was treated in hospital.


Daniel said...

Ukrainian Poets at Euromaidan

Poets have spent their days in Kiev. Some of them are: Andrey Kurkov, Iren Rozdobudko, the Kapranov brothers, Oleh Kotsarev, Bohdan-Oleh Horobchuk, Pavlo Korobchuk, Olena Herasymyuk, Midna, Taras Malkovych, Khrystyna Vengryniuk, Dmytro Lazutkin, Andryi Bondar, Oleksandr Boichnko...

Full article...

Daniel said...

Iren Rozdobudko

His work The Lost Button received first place in "Coronation of the Word" competition in 2005.

Daniel said...

The Kapranov brothersň
Two well-known Ukrainian publishers and public figures presented The War and Us about Ukraine, Maidan, war, and our society.

Daniel said...

Oleh Kotsarev

Supported by the Open Ukraine Foundation he participated in Poetical Spring.

Literature Festival that was held on 27 May - 3 June in Vilnius.


Unknown said...

Oles Buzina sa snaží zasahovať aj do politického diania Ukrajiny. V politickej debate s Ljashkom hneď na úvod ukazuje niektoré svoje knihy a tvrdí, že do politiky nejde kvôli peniazom. Podľa reakcií moderátora, publika aj Ljashka som vydedukoval, že ho asi ľudia nemajú veľmi radi. Celá debata je rozdelená na 8 častí, kde každý diskutujúci v každej časti dostane tie isté otázky. Musím povedať, že Buzina mi je svojím vystupovaním aj vzhľadom veľmi nesympatický. Zaujímavé je tiež to, že Buzina hovorí po rusky a Ljashko po ukrajinsky. Odkaz na debatu nájdete tu

Daniel said...

Oleh Tsarev

was beaten after giving an interview.

Presidential candidate known for his pro-russia views.

Ukraine radical

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daniel said...

Pavlo Korobchuk

poet, musician, journalist

He is just 31 years old and winner of Winner of the ten literary slams.

Full overview...

Daniel said...

Olena Herasymyuk

student of literature in Kiev. She is just 24 years old and participated on maidan as well.

Full details

Daniel said...

Taras Malkovych

accepted an invitation to address a crowd of angry protestors gathered at the Maidan.

More info...

Daniel said...


Read her poetry in Polish at the Shevchenko Scientific Society's Literary Bazaar dedicated to the Maidan and War in Ukraine.

More about Anna...

Unknown said...

Zaujímavé video, kde sa v diskusnej relácii pobil ukrajinský spisovateľ Oles Buzina s umelcom Sergejom Pojarkovom. Začal Buzina, po chvíli ako sa vrátili do relácie obaja účastníci incidentu, požiadal moderátor Buzinu, aby opustil reláciu a keď prechádzal okolo svojho protivníka, napadol ho znova. Odkaz na video nájdete tu .

Daniel said...

Ukrainian literature gets popular

The hot theme is "On the Maidan and About the Maidan".

There is no question this topic was presented in media frequently for a certain period.

Maidan theme

Daniel said...

Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj

- Professor of Ukrainian Literature, Language & Culture
University of Alberta

Made a project called About the Ukrainian Literature (High and Popular) the Maidan project.

Visit source...

Unknown said...

Kniha Вурдалак Тарас Шевченко od Olesa Buziny, v čase vydania vyvolala veľký rozruch. Sám autor povedal, že vedel, že keď napíše knihu s takým obsahom, bude veľmi diskutovaná. Tiež mu išlo to, aby rozlúštil mýtus o Tarasovi Ševčenkovi a vyjadril sa tak, že bolo potrebné, aby niekto takúto knihu napísal. Hovorí, že sa zameral na temnú stránku života Ševčenka.
Väčšina odborníkov hovorí o knihe ako o braku, pretože autor si domýšľa súvislosti. Riaditeľka Národného historicky-kultúrneho chráneného územia "Vlasť Tarasa Ševčenka" Ľudmila Ševčenko sa vyjadrila, že autor svoju úlohu splnil. Nechcel upozorniť na Ševčenka, ale na seba a to sa mu podarilo, preto podľa nej, nemá zmysel sa vyjadrovať k tejto publikácii.
Larisa Masenko poukazuje na to, že táto kniha môže zle pôsobiť na mládež. Podľa nej sa snaží Buzina manipulovať ľudí svojimi myšlienkami, ktoré však nie sú správne. Myslí si, že aj na základe toho, že počas sovietskej éry, bola jeho literatúra formulovaná tak, aby pasovala do vtedajšej ideológie, stráca na popularite.
Na základe tejto knihy Buzinu napadla skupina mladých ľudí a autor musel byť hospitalizovaný. Tiež pod oknami jednej redakcie, ktorá prepísala kúsok z knihy, nastala demonštrácia. Takýto rozruch a nepokoje vyvolala jedna kniha. zdroj

Daniel said...

Crimean authorities order purge of “banned literature”

Residents of Crimea are about to until the end of the year relinquish religious literature.

Read more here...

Daniel said...

Ukrainian national poet Taras Shevchenko

"Our rebirth is taking place under
the flags and slogans of Shevchenko" Read Here

His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and, to a large extent, the modern Ukrainian language. Shevchenko is also known for many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator.

Unknown said...

On this page you can read some information about Oleksandr Mykhed and also there is an invitation on his interview, unfortunately it is in the U.S.A.

Unknown said...

A short article written by Oleksandr Mykhed, who is speaking about an introduction to New Ukrainian Writing.

Daniel said...

Dmytro Lazutkin

He participated in the First Literary Festival at the Lviv and on maidan as well.

His work in russian Paprika Grez (Sweet Pepper of Dreams).


Unknown said...

There you can see a record from an event - Author´s Reading Month, where is an interview with Oleksandr Mykhed.

Unknown said...

Official page of Oleksandr Mykhed, where you can read about his books, news and other interesting things.

Unknown said...

A short record from an event – Author´s Reading Month, where Oleksandr Mykhed is speaking about his book.

Unknown said...

Oleksandr Mykhed is also a modern man, because he has a facebook page, where publishes very often.

Daniel said...

Andryi Bondar

About the Maidan

"Yesterday’s night at the Maidan revealed one simple thing: people who rose up against the ruling power over the course of last twenty-two years had learned to live and survive without the state. "

Quoted from

Unknown said...

Oleksandr Mykhed is a curator of the Amnesia project and author of "AmneZia".

Unknown said...

Vira Ostapivna Selianska (born 1926, Boryslav) — Ukrainian writer, critic and translator living in Brazil. She writes in Ukrainian, German and Portuguese. She studied Germanics, music history and comparative literature at the University of Tübingen. In 1945 she emigrated with her mother to Portugal and in 1949 further to Brazil. She received the Ivan Franko Literary award in 1957, 1979, 1982 and 1990, the Blahovist award 2000. She actively propagates Ukrainian culture and language. In 2008, Vira Vovk received Ukrainian state award named after Taras Shevchenko.Vira Vovk has created 10 collections of poetry, 10 novels, and 11 plays and has made numerous translations of Western writers into Ukrainian and Ukrainian writers into Portuguese.

Unknown said...

Hanna Hryhorivna Mashutina (July 20, 1981 – January 24, 2011), known under her pseudonyms Anna Yablonskaya was a Ukrainian playwright and poet, and one of the victims of the 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing. Yablonska was born in Odessa, Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). Under the pseudonym she published over a dozen Russian-language playscripts. Many of them were staged at venues in Russia, in particular, in St. Petersburg. Since 2004 Yablonska received several awards in different literary and dramatic events in Russia (Moscow, Yekaterinburg) and Belarus (Minsk). She also wrote a series of lyrical poems.

Unknown said...

Oksana Stefanivna Zabuzhko (Ukrainian: Окса́на Стефа́нівна Забу́жко) (born 19 September 1960) is a contemporary Ukrainian poet, writer and essayist. Zabuzhko is known both for her literary works and criticism. Her controversial bestselling novel Field Work in Ukrainian Sexwas translated in eight languages. In her writing Zabuzhko draws a lot of attention to the questions of Ukrainian self-identification, post-colonial issues and feminism. Her book Let My People Go won the Korrespondent magazine Best Ukrainian documentary book award in June 2006, "The Museum of Abandoned Secrets" - Best Ukrainian Book 2010.

Unknown said...

Iryna Volodymyrivna Zhylenko (28 April 1941 – 3 August 2013). She was born in Kyiv and died in August 2013 at the age of 72. In 1964 she graduated from the Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv and published her first book of essays Bukovyna Ballads. She is the author of twelve books of poetry, including Solo for Sofia (1965), Self-Portrait in Red (1971), A Window into the Garden (1978), Concert for a Violin and a Grass-Hopper (1979), Market of Wonders (1982), The Last Street Organ-Grinder (1985), The Girl at the Ball (1987) Tea Ceremony (1987), An Evening Party in an Old Winery (1994) and Seasons (1999). She also wrote short stories and poetry for children.

Unknown said...

Taras Hryhorovych was a Ukrainian poet, writer, artist, public and political figure, as well as folklorist and ethnographer. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and, to a large extent, the modern Ukrainian language. Shevchenko is also known for many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator.

Unknown said...

Gregory Skovoroda was a Ukrainian and Russian philosopher, poet, teacher and composer. Skovoroda was of a Cossack background in current day Ukraine, who lived in the Russian Empireand made important contributions to Russian philosophy and culture. He lived and worked in Sloboda Ukraine, which is today partly in modern Ukraine and partly in Russia. Skovoroda was so important for Russian culture and development of Russian philosophical thought, that he has been referred to as the "Russian Socrates."

Unknown said...

Moysey Fishbeyn is an influential Ukrainian poet and translator of Jewish origin. He was born in 1946 in Chernivtsi, in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union (in present-day Ukraine). Moysey "Ranniy Ray" ("Early Paradise") - collected works.
"Zbirka Bez Nazvy" ("An Unnamed Compilation")
One of the many books of poems and poetical translations of Fishbein was published in the "Suchasnist" publishing house inNew York in 1984. The poet was one of the few Ukrainian authors, presented in the world anthology "Stanzas of the century" published in Russia at the end of 20th century. Several of Fishbeyn's poems were translated into English by Roman Turovsky

Daniel said...

Oleksandr Boychenko

Wrote a book called: Sutsil‘na zahadka Revoljutsiji, which describes the situation on the Maidan and will come to Uzhgorod.

Read article...

Unknown said...

Serhiy Viktorovych Zhadan (Сергі́й Ві́кторович Жада́н) is Ukrainian contemporary poet, novelits and translator. He was born on the 23 of August 1974 in Starobilsk, Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine. He translated poetry from Geman, English, Belarusia and russian from well known poets sucha s Paul Celan and Charles Bukowski. Actually , his works have been variously compared to Rimbaud, Charles Bukowski and Irvine Wels. His works have been translated into German, English, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bealrussia, Czech and many other languages. His novel „Anarchy in the UKR“ was a contender fot Book of the Year at the Moscow international Book Exhibition. He also collaborated with music band Luk, which most of the songs included lyrics by Zhadan. His novel „Anthem of Democratic Youth“ has been adapted as a stage play.

Unknown said...

On this page you can read Serhiy Zhadan´s first novel “Depeche Mode” (Депеш Мод) in which he depicts Ukrainian youth during the turbulent 1990s.

Unknown said...

Here you can read Serhiy Zhadan´s poem „Paprika“ (Паприка) in original and translated into English and also listen it.

Unknown said...

On the beginning of March 2014 pro-Russian demonstrators attacked the activists who had occupied a government building in Kharkiv, the second largest city of Ukraine. One of the activists was also Serhiy Zhadan. On the website of the journal The New Yorker you can read more information about incident.

Daniel said...

Yuriy Vynnychuk

Vynnychuk's novel The Tango of Death was awarded the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year for 2012.

His work Impers‘ka srachka which contains information about recent activities on maidan.


Unknown said...

There are translations of Serhiy Zhadan’s poems translated by Virlana Tkacz and Wanda Phipps.

Unknown said...

An interview with Serhiy Zhadan with Dmitry Raider (Дмитрий Райдер) published on the website about culture on December 2013. On this blog is a translation of the interview into English.

Unknown said...

This is a video of a presentation of Serhiy Zhadan´s book “Mesopotamia” (Месопотамія) for which he was awarded by Angelus literature prize 2015.

Unknown said...

Ukrajinský novinár Aleksandr Chalenko napísal článok o knihe Olesa Buziny, ktorá sa volá ''Революция на болоте. Взгляд белогвардейца''.
Píše o tom, že je to jeho štvrtá kniha, píše v akých formách vyšla. Tak isto spomína aj na predchádzajúce knihy.
Kniha má tri časti. V prvej časti sa najviac páči Chalenkovi esej s názvom "Ako som zničil ukrajinskú inteligenciu". Druhá časť sa volá "Medzi Európou, Áziou a Afrikou". Táto časť hovorí o jeho cestovateľských zážitkoch z rôznych kútov sveta. Tretia sa volá "Moja filozofia".
Chalenko chváli autora za spôsob akým píše. Hovorí, že používa svojský štýl a iróniu, že sa na nič nehrá a nestavia sám seba do pozície niečoho alebo niekoho lepšieho.

Daniel said...

Irena Karpa

is a Ukrainian writer, journalist, and singer.

Some of her works got translated into Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and Russian.

On 13 October, 2014 according to Euromaidanpr, the minister of culture of the self-proclaimed "republic of Donetsk" signed a death warrant ordering that she be shot for publishing a cartoon considered inappropriate.


Unknown said...

V televíznej relácii "Otázky" Oles Buzina komentuje knihu "Tajná história Ukrajiny-Rusi". Tvrdí, že v tejto knihe odhalil veľa mýtov, a že sa zaoberá iba faktami. Hovorí, že dnešní obyvatelia Ukrajiny sa objavili iba pred cca 100 rokmi, a že Ukrajinci sú v skutočnosti iba potomkami Vikingov. Tiež hovorí, že Rusi sú potomkovia Švédov. Ako príklad poukazuje na neobvyklé mená, ktoré pred tým Slovania nepoznali. Tiež hovorí o tom kam patria Ukrajinci ako národ.

Daniel said...

Andriy Lyubka

-is a contemporary Ukrainian poet, writer and essayist.

Some of his works are translated into Chinese, Czech, Serbian, Macedonian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, German, English, Russian and Polish.

His maidan work: Sizifova revoljutsija

Daniel said...

Taras Prokhasko

Ukrainian novelist, essayist and journalist.

Was awarded in 2013 - BBC Book of the Year, Litakcent roku for "Who will make the snow"

His work about maidan: Kozhnomu svoje

Read more here...

Unknown said...

Krátka diskusia s Olesom Buzinom na tému o projekte, ktorý sa týka jazykov. A aké jazyky majú byť úradné jazyky na Ukrajine.

Unknown said...

V čitatelskom klube v Sevastopolo pozvali Olesa Buzinu na diskusia . Moderátor ho v krátkosti uvedie a Buzina začína rozprávať o svojej knihe, ktorá sa volá "Vzkriesenie Malarusi".

Unknown said...

Here you can see interesting calendar, which shows main landmarks. It has all started in January 2012 and since now it has more than 60 stories. Calendar stops in July 2014, but I hope, that it will one day starts again.

Unknown said...

Mylost' Bozhiia, Ukraynu...svobodyvshaia... is name of book from writer George G. Grabowicz. We can say, that the article examines the impact of the Russian victory over Sweden and a Ukrainian Cossack force at the 1709 Battle of Poltava, Ukraine, on Ukrainian literature through an examination of the drama "Mylost' Bozhiia" ("God's Grace"). The author examines the possibility that the work reflects Ukrainian Cossack patriotism in light of Poland's domination of Ukraine Also addressed is the role of God's grace in the play and its notion that intellectuals will provide for Ukraine's survival. Here you can read (after registration) preview of this book, or buy full version.

Unknown said...

Yakub Kolas is one of the most popular and significant man of Belarus literature, but also history. He was not just poet, but also creator of belarusian grammar. With thanks to his dad, he spent lot of time in nature, which was evident in his pen name 'Kolas', what means 'ear of grain'. He was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1946 and 1949 and of his honor a square and a street in the center of Minsk bear his name.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Тарас Завітайло: «Діти праліса»

В новой книге Тараса Завитайла «Дети лесов» читатель имеет возможность снова погрузиться в мир фэнтези и встретить известных из предыдущих произведений героев - Птичку, Андрея с Гапкой Упыря и других братиев. Попадая в мир колдунов и нимф, преодолевают препятствия и открывают тайну детей Леса - демона, который создал всю нечисть на нашей земле. По силам ли будет хрупкой Птичке и её друзьям противостоять силам тьмы? Читайте, вас ждёт ещё одна история о вечной борьбе света и темноты, борьбе добра и зла.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Тарас Завітайло: «Нове українське фентезі.»

Причудливый мир снов... Что это? Ворота в тайну и мир духов? Может ли это другое измерение и другая реальность, такая близкая и одновременно далекая, плотно переплетена с нашей, неопределённой рациональностей мира? Полетите в глубину хаоса, наберитесь терпения и веры в чрезвычайное. В добрый путь!

Daniela Kipilová said...

Василь Кожелянко: «Чужий»

«Чужой» - сборник лучших коротких рассказов Василия Кожелянко в жанре Украинская альтернативная история. Это смесь иронии, горькой правды и, несмотря на всё, оптимизма. Об украинских Воинах и Каинах, президентах и изобретателёх машины времени - коротко, страшно и... невероятно смешно.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Констянтин Когтянц: «Обре, сховайся добре!»

Такого фэнтези вы ещё не читали! Вы не найдёте здесь ни эльфов с гоблинами, ни абстрактной борьбы света с тьмой, ни идеальных железобетонных героев. Зато все упомянутые факты достоверны. Сюжет романа развивается на фоне героических и трагических событий Хмельницкой в 1651-1652 г. Главный герой, который поневоле впутался в борьбу разведок балканских княжеств, после тяжёлых испитаний оказывается на Сечи и во время выполнения очередного приказа узнает, что атаман отряда - колдун...

Den said...

Tania Malyarchuk (b. 1983) is one of Ukraine’s most talented young prose writers. Her first novel, Adolpho’s Endspiel, or a Rose for Liza, appeared in 2004. Her later collections of shorter prose works include From Above Looking Down: A Book of Fears (2006), How I Became a Saint (2006), To Speak (2007), Bestiary of Words (2009), and Divine Comedy (2009). She is currently a writer-in-residence in Vienna, Austria. Take a look at her prose called The Demon of Hunger.

Den said...

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a London-based Ukrainian writer and journalist. She currently works for the EBRD as a press officer. Until April 2011, she was a journalist with the BBC Ukrainian service and presented the Friday interactive evening programme in Ukrainian from London. She is also the originator of the BBC Ukrainian annual book prize.

Den said...

Julia Musakovska (Юлія Мусаковська) is a poet and translator. Born on July 9, 1982 in Lviv, where she lives. She received Master's degree with honours at the Faculty of International Relations of the Lviv National University of Franko. She works in the field of public relations.

Den said...

Tatiana Scherbachenko (Тетяна Щербаченко) is the author of books for children, co-founder and chief editor of the portal "Bara Booka". Space of Ukrainian children's book barabooka. Born in Lugansk February 21 about thirty years ago, in a family of teachers.

Den said...

Alexander Apalkov (Олександр Апальков)
Born in 1961 in the village of Staroverovka on Slobozhanschyna. He graduated from college, served in the army, worked in a factory and at the Museum of Shevchenko. In 1995 he founded an international literary magazine "Vial Hour * Zeitglas". I travel. I live and I let the others to live their lives. I wrote several books. If only some of them brought comfort to someone, I am happy about that.

Den said...

Natalia Deviatko (Наталія Дев'ятко) was born on January 11, 1983 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. She graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University of Honchar (Department of Systems and mass media).

Den said...

"Everything what has been said above does not really mean anything. The only thing that is really describing the author is his work ", says Oksana Krotyuk. Do not hesitate to find out more about this great writer right here.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Дмитро Кузьменко: «Аеніль»

Аениль дель Уберти - 12-летняя дочька послов королевства Эрли, которая учится в Академии волшебства на отделении алхимии. Замок Академии, имеет давнюю историю, полну многих тайн и скрытых опасностей, которые не всегда могут преодолеть даже преподаватели - талантливые волшебники, чародеи, алхимики, целители и книжники. В школе свои традиции, обычаи и правила, из которых не все известны посторонним. Тихая, застенчивая и неумелая в чарах Аениль сталкивается с опасными существами, запрещёнными чародейскими экспериментами, тайными союзами учащихся и преподавателей, смертельными чарами, плетением заговоров и козней, расовым и сословым неравенством. Сможет ли она вопреки всему хорошо учиться, найти друзей, пережить насмешки одноклассников, уберечь свою сестренку Ино?

Daniela Kipilová said...

Костянтин Матвієнко: «Добрий шлях»

Аскольду со старыми и новыми друзьями снова выпадает защищать Землю от привел, какие уже стали осуществлять план её порабощения. Федераты не оставляют злодеяния в древней украинской истории, для чего похищают одного принца. Самый популярный из архангелов путешествует Млечным путем, и тот путь приводит его в Киев. Одному хакеру приходится соображать, как вложить четыре с половиной миллиарда лет до флешки. Домовой с демоном, как обычно, пригодились креативному обществу людей и сущностей, а заодно - нашему миру. Кстати, о приключениях: их в этой книге - «пруд пруди».

Daniela Kipilová said...

Володимир Лис: «Щоденники Ієрихар»

Трое детей, муж-неудачник, необозримые горы, школа... Кажется, всё слишком банально и просто. Если бы это же не странные сны и ощущения на грани безумия, если бы это же не внезапное озарение - «Так кто же я на самом деле? Кто живёт во мне? ». И ответ: «Иерихар. На самом деле я - Иерихар, жительница Трамедиону, астробиологический космодослидник, супермагистр, самый молодой в истории планеты автор научного закона ». Преобразования и перевоплощения, вопросы и ответы, желания и обязанность сплелись в единственной души и двух телах женщины. Кто победит в ней? Любовь или бессмертие?

Unknown said...

"Básnik je ten, kto chce byť básnikom. Je kvapkou v daždi, takých kvapiek je veľa, ale všímame si len tú, ktorá nám spadla na nos. Tú, ktorú cítime kožou. Nájsť slová, ktoré niekto druhý fyzicky pocíti - to je celé tajomstvo."

gomiotoko said...

Vladimir Kazanavesky born in Ukraine , is a comics writer and cartoonist who won many prizes all over the world , his comicses are published in newspapers all over the Europe and World. He is also very known lecturer on the theory of cartoon art. His cartoon books "Heads" and "Revelation of Elderly Cupid" were published in Belgium and Ukraine.

gomiotoko said... anyone who is interested in comicses and wants to talk about 'em or publish their own work , should definately visit this site!

gomiotoko said... Georgy Litichevsky was born in 1956 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Started to paint in 1974, got a fine arts education in workshops of artists S. Sherstyuk, A. Roiter and group Detsky Sad. Graduated from Moscow State University, arts critic faculty. Since 1993 – the member of editorial board in Hudozhestvenniy Magazine. From 1998 to 2001 Litichevsky lived and worked in Nurnburg and Berlin (Germany). Georgy Litichevky’s creations are presented in collections of Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia), A. D. Sakharov Museum and Public Centre (Moscow, Russia), Museum of Relevant Art Art4.Ru (Moscow, Russia), Kolodzei Art Foundation (New Jersey, США), Museum of Modern Art Kiasma (Helsinki, Finland).

gomiotoko said...

Ninth World publishers are the first Ukrainian publishers specializing in the production of comic magazines. The history of publishing began with the creation of the first Ukrainian comic and manga magazine ’K9′ (2003).
Currently, the portfolio of the publishing house are two monthly publications: the magazine ‘K9′ (target: audience 18+) and the magazine ‘K9teenager’ (target: audience 10 till 18 years).
Ninth World is also the founder and organizer of the annual International Comic Festival of Kiev.

gomiotoko said... This is really interesting perspective by Sasa Rakezic

Unknown said...

Burning heart
by залюблена у світ

part I.
I know - you do not hurt -
Men do not cry:
Tsunami overcome standing
And heart ... still hot!

It - not of concrete, stone,
Tempered with steel-bloom,
But only shrinks wounded,
Though even blood-reopening ...

Unknown said...

I have been writing about Yuriy Vynnychuk because he is one of the members of European Literary Festival 2015 when the Ukraine was the host county of the festival.

Yuriy Vynnychuk - Ukrainian journalist, writer and editor. (He was one of the banned authors)
(* 18 March 1952) – Stanislav

a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature
Educated in the  Vasyl Stefanyk Subcarpathian National University
In 1974 he moved to the city and worked as a loader, graphic designers.

Unknown said...

Ю́рий Па́влович Винничу́к
Пишет прозу, поэзию, занимается переводами и составлением литературных антологий, является главным редактором издательства «Пирамида

Unknown said...

Burning heart
by залюблена у світ

part II
Never regret,
For regret - useless ...
I see only the valuable platinum
In your metal alloy!

Even though concrete Criscito
And stubbornly bent steel -
One you will love
Always ... Until his death ...

Unknown said...

Vynnychuk's novel „The Tango of Death“ was awarded the BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year for 2012. The novel is set in Lviv, in the period between the two world wars. The award was Vynnychuk's second BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year.

Unknown said...

Yuriy Vynnychuk can be found on facebook - there can be found some useful information about his life.

Unknown said...

Вы можете найти информацию о Ю́рий Па́влович Винничу́к здесь.
Украинская литература является также работа, предсказывали будущее. Это текст уступают Крым.

Unknown said...

On this site is Vynnychuk describing his opinion about Crimea.

Unknown said...

Palij Lecture with Ukrainian writer Yuriy Vynnychuk part 1 of 2 (11/18/2013)

Unknown said...

In Slovak bookshops we can his followoing book. Chachacha 

Unknown said...

Depicting life in italics ...
by Франко Наталія

Part I
Who am I to you tell?
Another toy or dream?
You help me deal with it,
Because I do not understand ...

From this it becomes painful.
Something in the middle dies,
Like dawn comes,
And the sun and it has ...

Unknown said...

Depicting life in italics ...
by Франко Наталія

Part II
I do not want to say words
And thoughts are all leaving,
Like fire up already
Because wood did not throw ...

And somehow scared the soul,
As if it keeps the beast,
And substitutes in the rain.
And then hugs ...

Unknown said...

Depicting life in italics ...
by Франко Наталія

Part III
Mixed at me,
All the words that are said ...
Word of truth, of lie -
And these words the essence of hidden ...

What I do not understand is:
Whether night or day, winter or fall,
And where is my path and -
Path clarified relations.

Unknown said...

Depicting life in italics ...
by Франко Наталія

Part IV
It is important to understand,
Who really am I to you ?
And then be able to cope -
I understand the disorder ...

Emotions peak learn,
Undo confidence and strength ...
Tame itself,
Depicting life in italics ...

Unknown said...


You close and look to another,
You and I live nearby.
Strong as rhymed poetry,
Sudden Languages corner.
Brave, light, grace,
Friendly, tough, fighting,
Seriously,'s continued, flavorful ...
My Ukrainian grass.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Začiatky Ukrajinskej literatúry sa datujú do obdobia Kyjevskej Rusi. Už v dávnej dobe mali predkovia ukrajincov rozvinutú ústnu tvorivosť. Významnou pamiatkou z týchto čias je letopis “Povesť dávnych liet“, ktorý nieje len prameňom historických udalostí, ale aj čítankou epických piesní,legiend, a rozprávaní epochy Kyjevskej Rusi.

Viac informácii tu

Unknown said...

Portickým veldielom starobylej litaratúry je “Slovo o pluku Igorovom“ tento heroický epos zahrnul najkrajšie vzory ľudovej tvorivosti tej doby a stal sa vlastníctvom a hrdosťou celého slovanského sveta.Viac informácii tu

Unknown said...

Oksana Zabuzhko (Окса́на Стефа́нівна Забу́жко) is a contemporary Ukrainian poet, writter and essayist.. She is one of the leading authors among contemporary Ukrainian literature. She was born on the 19 September 1960 in Lutsk. Her works are based on issues like Ukrainian self-identification, feminism and post-colonial issues. She received the Antonovych prize in 2009, the Global Commitment Foundation Poetry Prize in 1997 and numerous others awards. The most known books are controversial bestseller „Field Works in Ukrainian Sex“ and „The musem of Abandoned Secrets“ which was the Best Ukrainian Book of 2010. Her works have been translated in several languages like English, Russian etc.

Unknown said...

A Review of Oksana Zabuzhko’s “Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex” by Brianna Berbenuik.

Unknown said...

A Review of second well known Oksana Zabuzhko’s novel “The Museum of Abandoned Secrets” by Daniel Shvartsman.

Unknown said...

Oksana Zabuzhko: on war, art, and the Putin song.

Unknown said...

Here you can read Oksana Zabuzhko’s text „Girl“, translated by Askold Melnzycuk.

Unknown said...

An interview with Oksana Zabuzhko, by Halyna Hryn.

Unknown said...

A Review of Oksana Zabuzhko’s book, in fact 400-page interview with O. Zabuzhko, translated by Oleksandra Daruha.

Unknown said...

Сергій ЖАДАН

* * *

лиши мені тепле взуття і сухе волосся.
Заводи і фабрики Лівобережжя кінчають від тиску своєї любові.
Дивись, як тоншає листя,
як легке підпільне багатоголосся
ворушить до ранку сутінки свіжі і паперові.

Із наших вулиць зникають службовці, комахи, юродиві;
мерзнуть яблука, діти, працюють вантажники.
Тепер ось почнуться завії –

нові сторінки у загальному спротиві,

почнеться різдв’яний драп, опалення, щедрі затяжки.

Лиши мені в’язані ковдри з довгою ниткою холоду,
з давленими цитринами,
з танковими формуваннями.
Мої коридори вільні, але я втрачаю нагоду,
так і не змігши відмовитись від награного хвилювання.

Тому, якщо вона схоче позбутись нашої з нею праці,
якщо вона стане мотати жовані плівки,

місити цей суглинок,

дай, Боже, ніжності до її навчених пальців,
дай, Боже, співу до її слухавок.

Саме з’явиться привід не виходити з дому,
розписувати авторучки, плекати шлункову судому.

Пливе косяк широкою річкою.
В’ється дим сирою вуздечкою.

З лівого боку сходить місяць

над моєю аптечкою


Unknown said...

Сергій ЖАДАН

Погода, погода, повільно сідає на руки,
мов навчений птах, облітаючи пастку міґрацій.
Суботня утома і гострі липневі сполуки
все більше помітні
в примхливому диханні станцій.

Ще поночі тягнеться в небі оголений протяг.
Вгортаються в тишу дерева – коричневі, темні.
Твої сновидіння, зібравши розкиданий одяг,
ідуть повз ремонтні склади
і забуті майстерні.

Іще вартовий стереже павутину за вітром,
ламаються відстані – що я у цьому порушу?
І тихий Господь вимикає, виходячи, світло,
і точеним шприцом
із тебе витягує душу.


Unknown said...

Сергій ЖАДАН


Пізній нехитрий Божий маневр –
місяць росте, наче плід у шлунку.
Серпень, чіпкий, попри те, що мине,
впевнено згущує фарби в малюнку.
Теплі циклони, мов слід поцілунку,
гоять природи розхитаний нерв.

ґрунт вистигає. Дотик руки
зміщує тіні предметів. Садиби
мітяться сонцем. Важкі будяки,
мов смолоскипи чекають, коли би
трапився кремінь і купчаться риби
тромбами в синій жилі ріки.

Мов сновидіння на кінчиках вій,
передосіння східна Європа
нині застигло німує, і твій
голос приходить, ніби хвороба
крізь непричинені кимось ворота,
легко, мов пошесть або суховій.

Бачиш сама, що чекає за цим –
наші дерева, недбало убрані
в чорного неба масний антрацит,
наші водойми, відкриті, мов рани,
нас роз’єднали. Замкнуто брами.
Висне повітря, мов зібганий цинк.


Unknown said...

Serhiy Zhadan´s Prose:

-Big Mac (Біґ Мак; short story collection)
-Depeche Mode (Депеш Мод)
-Anarchy in the UKR
-Anthem of Democratic Youth (Гімн демократичної молоді)
-Voroshilovgrad (Ворошиловград)
-Big Mac and Other Stories (Біґ Мак та інші історії)
-Mesopotamia (Месопотамія; nine stories and thirty poems)

Unknown said...

Serhiy Zhadan calls himself a “postproletarian punk.” In his novels, he describes the specific circumstances of transition, of life in a society in between the relics of the Soviet past and the search for a new identity. Lyubko Deresh is regarded as the Ukrainian representative of pop culture. His novels are set in today’s Ukraine, but the plots and the characters are global.

Unknown said...

On 17th October in Wroclaw, was announced winner of the Angelus literature prize 2015 is Serhiy Zhadan for his book Mesopotamia, trans. Michał Petryk and Adam Pomorski /Wydawnictwo Czarne/, Ukraine

Unknown said...

Serhiy Zhadan, Depeche Mode: is essentially a sketch of what is was like to be young in the immediate post-Soviet era: lacking prospects and stuck in a gray zone between state socialism and the rapidly developing capitalism and Western culture, the narrator and his friends simply let life roll over them, gaining whatever pleasure they can from their on the hoof adventures and stolen bottles of cognac (amongst other intoxicating substances).

Zhadan's pacing is excellent: his style moves alternately between jagged, fast flowing prose as the three central characters tumble around 1990s Kharkiv in search of their colleague, Sasha Carburetor, and a sleepy, philosophical mode, both of which Zhadan uses to explore various contemporary themes such as anti-Semitism, Marxism-Leninism, ethnic identity and pop culture (hence the reference to Depeche Mode, who are the subjects of a hilarious radio pseudobiography).

Although at some points it loses momentum, it does cover dark subject manner with humour and irreverence. Zhadan's use of the grotesque and of slang, and his sharp yet skilful rendering of twentieth century social breakdown meant that I was regularly reminded of one my favourite authors, Irvine Welsh. A quick read, perhaps, but one that offers plenty to mill over; some of the more comic scenes - particularly the ones involving a bust of Molotov - will definitely stay with you after you've finished the book. The book really represents a kind of writing - and themes- that I haven't seen much of in English translation, and as such it's well worth a read.

Unknown said...

Oleh Lysheha (Ukrainian: Олег Лишега; 30 October 1949 – 17 December 2014) was a Ukrainian poet, playwright, translator and intellectual.

Unknown said...

Lysheha entered Lviv University in 1968, where during his last year, he was expelled for his participation in an "unofficial" literary circle, Lviv Bohema. As punishment, Lysheha was drafted into the Soviet army and internally exiled. During the period 1972-1988, he was banned from official publication, but in 1989 his first book Great Bridge (Velykyi Mist) was published.

Unknown said...

For "The Selected Poems of Oleh Lysheha," Lysheha and his co-translator James Brasfield from Penn State University, received the 2000 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation published by the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute.

Unknown said...

Oleh Lysheha is the first Ukrainian poet to receive the PEN award.

Unknown said...

At the age of forty, Lysheha published his first collection of poems - "Great Bridge" (1989), a book which placed him at the forefront of the Ukrainian poetic community. Years later, after meeting his future co-translator James Brasfield, Lysheha published "The Selected Poems of Oleh Lysheha" (1999) making his work available for the first time to the English reader. A masterpiece of Ukrainian drama is Oleh Lysheha's miracle play "Friend Li Po, Brother Tu Fu" included in the second section of the 1999 English publication. Thirteen years after his first work, Lysheha published "To Snow and Fire" (2002).

Unknown said...

Another artistic corner of Oleh Lysheha's contributions lies in the translation field. He has translated into the Ukrainian language works by T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. Lysheha is also the co-author of a book of translations from Chinese, "The Stories of Ancient China."

Unknown said...

Literary reviewers have written that "The Selected Poems of Oleh Lysheha" - the English translations of Lysheha - have nothing in common with the Ukrainian poetic tradition. As Bondar, for example, notes the poetry is "influenced by natural philosophy, shamanistic meditation, total denial of a technocratic world, and escapism."[1] Lyshaha's publisher Harvard University Press describes the poet's work as "informed by transcendentalism and Zen-like introspection, with meditations on the essence of the human experience and man's place in nature."

Unknown said...

The new publication of The institute of world literature in Slovak Academy of Science is called "Postcolonial Europe? Essays on Post-Communist Literatures and Cultures". The book reflects current cultural studies in countries: Poland, Romania, Baltic countries and also Ukraine.
More information about the book, you can find here.

Unknown said...

"Svichado" Publishers works at the monastery of St. John's Lavra of the Studite monks in Lviv, Ukraine, since 1992. They specialize mainly in publishing religious and spiritual literature. They also edit textbooks,teaching and psychological literature for children, youth and couples as well as a children magazine "Zerniatko" and "A Hundred Talents" for teenagers.

Unknown said...

Folio Publishers is the biggest Ukrainian publishing house. Established in 1991, Folio publishes classical and contemporary literature, fiction, educational and computer books in Russian and Ukrainian languages.
(my source)

Unknown said...

Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association (UABB) is an All-Ukrainian charity organization, based on principles of law, humanism, common interests and equal rights of its members, voluntarism, self-government and publicity, for providing charitable activities for development of book publishing and distribution businesses and for distribution of periodical editions in Ukraine.

Unknown said...

Publishing and Bookselling in Ukraine. Results of a survey on book publishing and distribution, 2012-2013 presents a summary of the study of the Ukrainian book sector and its main findings and conclusions, as well as two expert opinions on it. This is the first time that a study of book publishing and book distribution in Ukraine has been carried out on such a scale. The study is based on years of systematic collection of information by the Ukrainian Association of Book Publishers and Book Sellers (UABB), while the report was commissioned by the Publishers Forum (Lviv) as part of the Book Platform project. The report provides information about the state of the Ukrainian publishing sector from 2002 until 2012 (The information for 2012 is not presented in all sections, as it had not been processed at the time of the Report's compilation).

Unknown said...

There you can see a record from an event - Author´s Reading Month, where is an interview with Jevgenija Kononenko.

Unknown said...

A short interview with Jevgenija Kononenko, where she is speaking about her new collection of stories - KAT.

Unknown said...

"Victim forgotten master" - is a book written by Jevgenija Kononenko and there you can read more about it.

Unknown said...

Web page of Pavlo Korobchuk, where you can find some information about him and also his posts.

Unknown said...

A blog of Pavlo Korobchuk, where he published his poems.

Unknown said...

There you can see a record from an event - Author´s Reading Month, where is an interview with Pavlo Korobchuk.

Unknown said...

Publishing in Ukrainian studies began at Harvard in 1968 with the inception of the Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies. With the founding of the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard, this publishing program was broadened to include the journal Harvard Ukrainian Studies and a more diverse book publishing program. In recognition of the Millennium of Christianity in Rus'-Ukraine, the Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature series was established, which publishes both facsimile and translation works from early and middle Ukrainian literature. The publications program now includes five book series, the journal, booklets and pamphlets, and online resources. Since its inception, Ukrainian studies publishing at Harvard has been made possible by generous donations from private individuals, whom we gratefully acknowledge. HURI's publications program is conducted at the high standard of scholarship and editing that one would expect from Harvard. Our books are distributed by Harvard University Press and reviewed internationally.
The rest of an article read here.

Unknown said...

A short interview with Pavlo Korobchuk, where he is speaking about his the first novel – „More for left-handers“.

Unknown said...

Calvaria Publishing House

They consider the development of the contemporary publishing business in Ukraine aimed at ensuring the profitability of the publishing house, making a deserved profit for its owners, authors and partners to be their main task.
«Calvaria» creates Ukrainian book first of all according to the criterion of the high quality and makes an active promotion of Ukrainian authors.

They enjoy creating the things they create. They create thing that cannot be created by others. They actively look for new ideas, unordinary steps and unexpected solutions. This is the main reason why the most interesting writers, artists, translators and experts work with them. They open new names and make stars, publish significant works by well-known Ukrainian and foreign authors and form new trends in the publishing market of Ukraine by these activities.

Their potential is based only on the legally approved activities in the copyright realm, talent and high professional qualities of each member of the team, innovation thinking and active position on the market. Their solutions are based on the experience and creative intuition, so they always achieve their goal.

Owing to them the contemporary Ukrainian literature becomes the world brand.

Unknown said...

Ukraine has banned 38 books published in Russia, alleging that they spread "hate ideology" and "separatism". The ban includes works by Russian nationalists Alexander Dugin, Eduard Limonov and Sergei Glazyev.

Unknown said...

Russian police have detained the director of a Ukrainian library in Moscow on suspicion of inciting ethnic hatred, in the latest twist of the ongoing standoff between the two nations.

Unknown said...

Ukrainian literature interrest website. Written by: The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica

Unknown said...

We may remember some as Russian, but our guide to books by authors from Ukrainian territory give an insight into its psyche. Short on knowledge of Ukrainian literature.

Unknown said...

Individual Jews began to turn to Ukrainian culture in the second half of the nineteenth century, at a time when Russian authorities forbade the Ukrainian language in scholarship, education, and liturgy and perceived Ukrainian literary endeavors as subversive and disloyal. Some Ukrainian-speaking Jews aspired to cultural visibility amid the proponents of Ukrainian revivalism.

Unknown said...

Paper SL 10 explores the literary and filmic texts that accompanied the rise of Ukraine from imperial periphery to sovereign state in the 'short twentieth century'

Unknown said...

The Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature continues to forge ahead. . .it has given us not only excellent translations, but truly functional professional aids. . .which have made accessible texts that are truly worthwhile. We can only wish them well as they continue.

Patrícia Závodská said...

Preklad autorovho diela Perverzia nájdete v linku tu

Patrícia Závodská said...

First meeting of Ukrainian Book Club will be devoted to a prominent Ukrainian writer Serhiy "Zhadan and his book “Voroshilovgrad”. In 2014 this book was awarded with Jan Michalski Prize for Literature and was named BBC Ukrainian‘s Book of the Decade (December 2014).

Zhadan was born in Starobilsk, Luhansk Oblast. He graduated from Kharkiv University in 1996, then spent three years as a graduate student of philology. He taught Ukrainian and world literature from 2000 to 2004, and thereafter retired from teaching. He lives and works in Kharkiv. Zhadan has translated poetry from German, English, Belarusian, and Russian, from such poets as Paul Celan and Charles Bukowski. His own works have been translated into German, English, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Russian, Hungarian, Armenian, Swedish and Czech."
31.10.2015 sa na Ukrajinskom inštitúte v Londýne uskutočnil literárny večer s autorom Serhiy-m Zhadan-om. Viac informácií v linku tu

Patrícia Závodská said...
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Patrícia Závodská said...

The last meeting of the Ukrainian Literary Club before the summer break will take place on Saturday, 13 June, 11.00 AM at the Ukrainian Institute, London (79 Holland Park, W11 3SW). We will discuss writings of Ukrainian poet, playwright, translator and intellectual Oleh Lysheha, who so prematurely passed away last December.

Patrícia Závodská said...

Link na Ukrajinský kultúrny inštitút na ktorom funguje aj literárny klub nájdete tu

Patrícia Závodská said...

"Employees of the Moscow Library of Ukrainian Literature arrived at work last week to find armed and masked police waiting for them.

The target of the morning raid by riot police wasn’t a dangerous criminal, but what the investigative committee called “anti-Russian” books. Officers confiscated several publications and detained the library’s director Natalya Sharina. She has since been charged with inciting ethnic hatred and faces up to five years in prison."

Patrícia Závodská said...

Článok International business times o víťazke Nobelovej ceny za literatúru nájdete v linku tu.

Unknown said...

Krátke interview s Olesom Buzinom, kde tvrdí, že by sa Ukrajinci aj Rusi mali vrátiť k monarchii, pretože monarchia je to, čo ich spasí. Podľa tohto vyjadrenia to vyzerá, že Buzina je veriaci. Vyjadruje sa tiež na adresu prezidentov, ktorý vládli pred Putinom a nie veľmi pekne. video

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Aleks Panchenko napísal v denníku "Dnes" recenziu na knihu Olesa Buziny, ktorá sa volá "Vzkriesenie Malarusi". Na úvod sú spomenuté základné parametre knihy. Ďalej Pachenko hovorí, že reakcie, keď povie meno Oles Buzina sú dvojaké. Buď ho niekto chváli aký je to kvalitný autor, alebo sa o ňom vyjadrujú až hanlivo. Tvrdí však, že obidve strany ho aj tak čítajú.
Pachenko cituje z knihy, čo je to podľa Buziny Malarus: "...základná časť Ukrajiny, srdce Rusi.."
V knihe je 34 kapitol a každá je venovaná nejakému inému príbehu z Malarusi.
Autor článku tiež chváli spisovateľa za to, že jeho príbehy sú vždy podložené faktami a čerpá z prvotných zdrojov.
Pachenko na konci článku uvádza, že táto kniha bola nominovaná na Ševčenkovu cenu a pritom ľudia vedia o jeho názore na Ševčenka.

Unknown said...

Interview s ukrajinským spisovateľom Olesom Buzinom. V úvode autor článku uvádza, že posledný incident sa udial pred niekoľkými rokmi, keď odporcovia knihy «Вурдалак Тарас Шевченко», napadli Buzinu priamo pred budovou súdu. Po tomto ataku strávil v nemocnici dva týždne.
Autor článku sa Buzinu pýta, prečo ho ľudia nemajú tak veľmi radi, prečo pomenoval Ševčenka "dvojtvárnikom" a koho považuje za svojich nepriateľov? Buzina odpovedá, že nepriateľom sú mu fašisti a to hlavne Banderovi prívrženci. A to odvtedy, keď písal o Lese Ukrajinke a prívrženci Banderu ho začali nenávidieť. Chcel poukázať aj na temnú stránku Ševčenkovho života. Hovorí, že mal aj svetlú ale o tej sa hovorí stále.

V ďalšej otázke sa pýta, či si Buzina myslí, že jeho kniha sa môže stať skutočným vedeckým dielom. Z jeho odpovede sa dá vycítiť, že si myslí, že áno. Hovorí, že ukrajinskí historici sú leniví pátrať po informáciách, ale on nie je, že cituje rôzne dôveryhodné pramene a práve preto je jeho kniha unikátna.
Tiež je často obviňovaný z toho, že sa vysmieva ukrajinským svätyniam. Buzina reaguje, že výsmech je dobrý a má ho rád, pretože oživuje zašlé. A chváli sa tým ako oživil obraz Tarasa Ševčenka.
Ďalej autor článku komentuje, že Buzina sa považuje za novinára, nie za spisovateľa. A Buzina súhlasí.

Unknown said...

Článok, v ktorom sa spisovateľ Oles Buzina vyjadruje na adresu ľudí, ktorí naňho podali žalobu alebo chcú podať žalobu, kvôli knihe "Dvojtvárnik Taras Ševčenko". Píše, že už naňho bolo podaných veľa žalôb ale zatiaľ vždy prehrali a on nemusel platiť žiadne odškodnenie.

Unknown said...

Krátky obsah knihy od Olesa Buziny "Revolúcia na močiari".

Unknown said...

Novinár Mitar Rochenovich napísal recenziu na štvrtú Buzinovu knihu "Revolúcia na močiari".
Kniha má tri časti. Prvá má taký istý názov ako celá kniha a hovorí o udalostiach na Ukrajine z posledných pár rokov, vrátane Oranžovej revolúcie. Tiež sa tam rozoberá pojem "ukrajinská inteligencia".
V poslednom odseku sa venuje "svojej filozofii", ktorú ale chápe inak ako ju chápe väčšina sveta.
Buzina nemá rád stereotyp a snaží sa proti nemu bojovať napríklad aj svojimi knihami, kde sa snaží poukázať na slabosti hrdinov celého sveta alebo len slovanskej histórie. Týmto sa ich snaží dostať bližšie k ľuďom.
Ďalej autor článku hovorí, čo to pre Buzinu znamená byť bielogvardejcom.

Unknown said...

Tusi môžete online prečítať knihu Olesa Buziny "Dvojtvárnik Taras Ševčenko", ktorá je u rozdelená na niekoľko častí.

Unknown said...

Interview s ukrajinským spisovateľom Olesom Buzinom na televíznej stanici, ktorá sa volá "Rusko 24"

Unknown said...

Krátky citát z knihy Olesa Buziny "Vráťte ženám háremy" a aj krátky popis, o čom kniha je, nájdete tu .

Unknown said...

Našiel som webovú stránku o ukrajinskom autorovi Olesovi Buzinovi. Nájdeme tu nejaké zaujímavé informácie z jeho života. Napríklad , chodil do školy s ukrajinsko-feministickou spisovateľkou Oksanou Zabuzhko. Dokončil školu v roku 1992 ako učiteľ ruského jazyka a literatúry, ale nikdy nedostal svoju triedu. Neskôr pracoval v niekoľkých časopisoch. Buzina má rád tvorbu autorov ako napríklad Lermontov, Bulgakov, Les Poderevjanskij a Jurij Vinichuk. Je známy homofób a nehanbí sa za to. zdroj

Daniela Kipilová said...

Роман Росіцький: «Місія»

Автор этой книги - Роман Росицкий работает учителем в городке Собрание, на Тернопольщине. Его произведения полны идей гуманизма и размышлений над будущем нашей планеты и всей вселенной. Иногда небольшие по объему, они совершенны по форме и подачей материала, написанные хорошим литературным языком. Для широкого круга читателей.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Сергій Батурин: «Легенда»

Как жить, если всю жизнь тебе объясняли, что ты избран, а оказывается, что ты обычный изгнанник? Если оказывается, что те, кого твой народ тысячелетиями считал врагами благороднее чем кровные родственники? Что выбирать - обязанность или любовь? Эти и другие проблемы решают герои книги Сергея Батурина "Легенда".

Daniela Kipilová said...

Галина Пагутяк: «Слуга з Добромиля»

В округе старинного галицкого городка Добромиль во времена средневековья, у вдовы, которую считают ведьмой, рождается сын. «Незаконнорожденный» - пренебрежительно называют мальчика односельчане, однако на самом деле он дхампиром (сыном мёртвого вампира и ведьмы), существом другой расы с особыми магическими свойствами. Именно ему в течение 800 лет в различные исторические эпохи придётся стать для Добромильской земли опекуном и защитником.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Дара Корній: «Гонихмарник»

Издавна среди людей живут дводушникы-Гонихмарник, существа, наделенные чрезвычайными силами. Они могут управлять облаками, вызвать дождь, бурю, град или отводить их от села. Девушка влюбилась в парня, не догадываясь, что он - Гонихмарник. Смогут ли они быть вместе?

Daniela Kipilová said...

Дара Корній: «Зворотний бік світла»

Издавна между Темными и Светлыми нет мира. Прыг покинул род своего отца, обладателя Тьмы, ради Светлой женщины, которую любил больше всего. И она, узнавшая о многочисленных изменах, оставила мужа и запретила искать себя. А вот его дочь, Мальву, которую в смертельных муках родила королева амазонок, полюбила как родную. Воспитывать ребёнка она поручила земным родителям. Что произойдёт, когда Прыг узнает о существовании дочери? Какой способ жизни выберёт Мальва - Темный или Светлый?

Daniela Kipilová said...

Богдан Малина: «Король джерел»

Львов, о котором мы ничего не знаем... Через века появляется перед современниками самобитним символом легенд и неразгаданных тайн. Автор этой книги пытается заглянуть в загробную львовских улиц и каменных зданий, окунуться в загадочность Прикарпатского края и найти его мифических жителей.

Рассказ Богдана Малини - дебют в прозе канадско-украинского журналиста и публициста. Автор родился во Львове, а поэтому неудивительно, что в его произведениях так много галицких выражений и словечек. Жанр этих рассказов - мистическая фантастика, их отличает готическое настроение, бурное воображение и захватывающий сюжет.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Сергій Серна: «Макс. Вибір є завжди»

Вечный поиск смысла бытия и борьба с устоявшимися законами жизни - главная тема книги фантастики молодого писателя Сергея Серны. События происходят на разных планетах Солнечной системы в ХХVI веке нашей эры. Герои книги пытаются сделать свой выбор, уйти от серости жизни, найти альтернативу серой будничности. Пересекая пространство и время, отвоевывая право на другую жизнь они наконец находят себя.

Unknown said...

"Not yet"
by Женьшень

Even now hear echoes of the past
Your voice every night
Stop my hearing
Speak tenderly passionate
Forgetting about the fact that you are there
The joyful meeting safely opened me
Waited so long for me to
And this moment has come
When love melt like a snowflake

Unknown said...

by Дід Михалич

Part I
In New Yorkis raining today,
I smoke fifth, probably ...
New York thoughts - for the moment
Well and walking ... should not in vain ...

But can (if present
to the point that today the sky
Waking up slightly, began fooling around
and took me to him ...)

Unknown said...

by Дід Михалич

Part II
And suddenly ... miracles do occur ..
So why is it not happening to us?
In autumn boulevards are ends,
Not to be such a gamut ...

Leave it – I will still believe in miracles
I love this life, every moment ...
In this world, cause everything is possible!
In New York is raining today ...

Unknown said...

* again today *
by Оліл

Today again wrote you a poem.
I am not joking ..second, fifth, the hundredth ...
I am not worse, believe me. I'm not worse.
I grieve for you not against.
Today again posted opinions:
added rhymes, issued words.
Hid mine feelings in lines
and then trampled them underfoot.

Unknown said...

by Марко Старицький

Part I
Your roses smell light
Fluorescent shades
Dried body of mosquito
And ringing phone storage

Your roses smell beer
Smoke of cheap cigarettes
Little wonder in padiku
Smoked night Prima unit

Unknown said...

by Марко Старицький

Part II
Your roses smell like the sea
Oil and gas grease
Loud whiseling of rivers
And wasteful and soap

Your roses smell like smoke
Undeclared war
The smell of blood and iron
Motor and guilt

Unknown said...

Jewish Ukrainian literary creativity was uncommon: East European Jews generally sought acculturation into powerful imperial societies that had great literary traditions, such asRussia or Germany. Nonetheless, some Jews chose to identify with the colonial society of Ukraine even though it was routinely represented not only as powerless, stateless, and oppressed, but also as uncivilized and backward. Most of the Jews who established themselves as Ukrainian writers or expressed sympathy for Ukrainian culture made a conscious anti-imperial choice; indeed, a decision by an East European Jew to integrate into Ukrainian culture was particularly striking because Jews for centuries viewed Ukrainians as perpetrators of anti-Jewish massacres, and Ukrainians perceived Jews as sycophantic servants of the Polish gentry, Russian landlords, or, later, the Bolsheviks.

Unknown said...

by Марко Старицький

Part III
Your roses smell like dust
Impala, no water, gasoline
Zero dial meter
Burned rubber

My rose smell like your hands
Pain regrets the joy summer
Barbed wire cuts roses
For the heart of sweet world

Unknown said...

Individual Jews began to turn to Ukrainian culture in the second half of the nineteenth century, at a time when Russian authorities forbade the Ukrainian language in scholarship, education, and liturgy and perceived Ukrainian literary endeavors as subversive and disloyal. Some Ukrainian-speaking Jews aspired to cultural visibility amid the proponents of Ukrainian revivalism. Among these were Kesar Oleksandrovych Bilylovs’kyi (1859–1938), a poet; H. Hurovych, who wrote a number of skillfully constructed Ukrainian poems as early as the 1860s (published in 1904); Maksym Hekhter, whose pro-Ukrainian political journalism appeared in the L’viv-based periodical Literaturno-naukovyi vistnyk, Hryhorii Hel’man, who published a book of Ukrainian prose, Hryts’ko Kernerenko, perhaps the first Ukrainian Jewish poet. These individuals constituted a small, yet self-conscious, Jewish faction among Ukrainian intellectuals. All of them knew Russian, read the Russian press and Russian classics, sometimes published in that language, but refused to seek cultural haven under the aegis of imperial Russian culture. They also admired Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, who published essays (Fel’ietony;1913) expressing sympathy for the Ukrainian national movement.

Unknown said...

In the revolutionary period following 1917, Russian-speaking Jews sought Ukrainian acculturation. In 1918, Ezra Fininberg, Moyshe Khashchevatski, Leyb Kvitko, and Andrii Chuzhyi, formed the Uman-based futurist group Bezmezhnyky (The Unlimited Ones) that sought to promote cultural rapprochement between Jews and Ukrainians.

Unknown said...

Soviet Jewish poet Ezra Fininberg.

Unknown said...

Yuri Andrukhovych (Юрій Ігорович Андрухович) is a contemporary Ukrainian writer, poet, essayist and also translator. He was born on the 19 March 1960 in Ivano-Frankivsk. He is co-founder of the Bu-Ba-Bu (бурлеск, балаган, буфонада--'burlesque, side-show, buffoonery) poetic group, which idea is to present a carnival like interpretation of events in Ukraine. His essays regulary appear in Zerkalo nedeli (Mirror Weekly), which is one of Ukraine’s most influential analytical newspapers published weekly in Kiev. He has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Herder Prize (2010), the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize (2005), the Hannah Arendt Prize (2014) and others He is a member of the editorial board of Ukrainian periodicals Krytyka and Potyah 7.

Unknown said...

Open Letter from Ukrainian writer Yuri Andrukhovych.

Unknown said...

There are poems Circle and Dungeons by Yuri Andrukhovych, translated by Nina Shevchuk/Murray.

Unknown said...

An interview with Yuri Andrukhovych, by (Deutsche Welle).

Unknown said...

In 2014, Yuri Andrukhovych and two Russian writter were awarded Hannah-Arendt-Prize.

Unknown said...

A video of Yuri Andrukhovych on culture and war.

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