Ukrainian Literature

Since 1991, the dogmatic schemes of the Ukrainian literature development within precisely determined ideological limits of the Socialist realism, valid until that time, have ceised to be in force and been replaced by an intensive search for new aesthetic methods of reality displaying, genre forms, appearance of various literary tendencies. All that has been taking place within complicated political and social contexts of the post-collonial syndrome and its overcoming, rise of freedom of the author's individuality, becoming aware of the author's "self" as a part of the Ukrainian nation and its newborn culture. Among the most significant features of the current literary processes in Ukraine, the change of a long-term civilization and cultural orientation, resulting in the decrease of an until-very-recently strong influence of Russian literature plays a very important role, while the Western literatures continue to be in the spotlight of the readers' attention. New type of a reader is present – he is no longer satisfied with the Socialist-realism stylistics, nor with a narrow national, folk focus, while the influence of internet technologies on the literary processes is constantly growing.
The most noticeable tendencies in the contemporary Ukrainian literature include the return to large prosaic forms, departure from the extreme postmodernism and a significant decentralization of the ongoing processes within culture and literature. An especially positive tendency to be mentioned is a return to the long-term taboo topics, search for new language and stylistic methods, expansion of new genres and a deep, broad reflection of the contemporary social issues and the historical memory. What is noticeable in the today's complicated situation is a constantly growing political (mostly pro-Western and democratic) engagement of the majority of Ukrainian writers.
Read more about the Ukrainian literature

Find out more about Ukrainian literature and support ineteresting project of our partners from Prague HERE


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Unknown said...

Do you know Forum for Ukrainian Studies? It is the web site established by Canadian Institute for Ukrainian Studies:

Unknown said...

Do you know Forum of Ukrainian Studies? It is a web site established by Canadian Institute of Ukirainian Studies. Here you can find some interesting information about literature in this country:

Unknown said...

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a London-based Ukrainian writer and journalist. While she was studying at the university in 1997, she compiled and published The First Dictionary of Ukrainian Youth Slang.
You can find it here for your reading enjoyment :)

Unknown said...

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a London-based Ukrainian writer and journalist. While she was studying at university, she compiled and published The First Dictionary of Ukrainian Youth Slang.
You can find it hear for your reading enjoyment :)

Unknown said...

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a London-based Ukrainian writer and journalist. While she was studying at university, she compiled and published The First Dictionary of Ukrainian Youth Slang.
You can find it hear for your reading enjoyment :)

Unknown said...

Svitlana Pyrkalo is a London-based Ukrainian writer and journalist. While she was studying at university, she compiled and published The First Dictionary of Ukrainian Youth Slang.
You can find it hear for your reading enjoyment :)

Unknown said...

99. číslo mesačníka pre svetovú literatúru Plav s názvom Poetry in the UA je venované súčasnej ukrajinskej poézii. V tomto čísle je možné oboznámiť sa s tvorbou mladých ukrajinských básnikov tzv. dvojtisícnikov, ktorí do literárneho sveta vstúpili na začiatku nového tisícročia.

Ukážky z tvorby Myroslava Lajuka a Ellah Strongowskiej z časopisu Plav :

Unknown said...

Antipodes Association organized the Evening of Ukrainian poetry in Sydney, Australia, which took place on October 25. The gusts of the evening were contemporary ukrainian writers, who read their poems in Ukrainian and (or) Russian language, and we showed their translations into English for the English-speaking audience.
The full video from this interesting poetic internet-conference you can watch here:

Unknown said...

Ukrainian Institute of America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the art, music and literature of Ukraine. It is an America’s “Window on Ukraine” hosting art exhibits, concerts, film screenings, poetry readings, literary evenings, children’s programs, lectures, symposia and full educational programs, all open to the public. „Taras Shevchenko – Why does he matter today?“ was on essay contest organized by Ukrainian Institute. The contest winners and their essays you can find here:

Unknown said...

99. číslo mesačníka pre svetovú literatúru Plav je venované súčasnej ukrajinskej poézii. V tomto čísle je možné oboznámiť sa s tvorbou mladých básnikov tzv. dvojtisícnikov, ktorí do sveta literatúry vstúpili práve na začiatku nového tisícročia.
Ukážky z tvorby Myroslava Lajuka a Ellah Strongowskiej, ktoré boli v časopise publikované :

Unknown said...

Natalia Belchenko is an Ukrainian poet and translator. She was born and lives in Kiev, writes in Ukrainian and Russian. She is an author of seven books of poetry. This year she won Leonid Vysheslavsky literary award.
More about her and another poets, who participated in „The evening of Ukrainian poetry“ by Antipodes Association you can find here:

Unknown said...

Rads pripomínam, že najväčšie zhromaždenie fanúšikov fantasy a science fiction, Eurocon, sa konalo v roku 2013 v Kyjeve. Okrem iného sa tu rozhoduje o víťazoch literárnych cien European science fiction society. Prikladám link:

Unknown said...

Rada pripomínam, že najväčšie európske zhromaždenie fanúšikov science fiction a fantasy, Eurocon, sa konalo v roku 2013 v Kyjeve. Okrem iného tu boli aj udeľované literárne ceny European science fiction society.
Prikladám link:

Unknown said...

Národné múzeum Ukrajinskej literatúry v Kyjeve. Každú poslednú stredu v mesiaci je voľný vstup. Zaujímavosťou expozície je údajne prvá tlačená slovanská kniha s názvom Apoštol.

Unknown said...

Vernadsky National Library je najväčšou knižnicou v Ukrajine. Nachádza sa v meste Kyjev, založená v roku 1918. Obsahom knižnice je viac ako 15 miliónov položiek.

Unknown said...

Currently, the Ukrainian literature is reinventing itself due to the declaration of independence and lifting of the censorship that took place in the Soviet Union. Most contemporary mainstream literary works in the Ukrainian literature lie within the postmodernism dimension.
Yuri Andrukhovych, Serhiy Zhadan, Oksana Zabuzhko, Oleksandr Irvanets, Izdryk, Maria Matios, Ihor Pavlyuk are the top contemporary published writers to date.
You can read more about them here.

Unknown said...

Currently, the Ukrainian literature is reinventing itself due to the declaration of independence and lifting of the censorship that took place in the Soviet Union. Most contemporary mainstream literary works in the Ukrainian literature lie within the postmodernism dimension.
Yuri Andrukhovych, Serhiy Zhadan, Oksana Zabuzhko, Oleksandr Irvanets, Izdryk, Maria Matios, Ihor Pavlyuk are the top contemporary published writers to date.
You can read more about them here

Unknown said...

Vernadsky National Library takisto ponúka aj oficiálnu stránku, kde je možné dozvedieť sa viac o organizovaných projektoch, udalostiach a akciách.

Unknown said...

Skupina ľudí sa taktiež angažuje aj v Londýne, kde predstavujú novinky vo svete ukrajinskej literatúry, nové preklady do anglického jazyka a organizujú večierky, či minifestivaly ukrajinskej literatúry.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

„What might the reasons be for the lack of significant Ukrainian women prose writers from the 1920s up to Ukrainian independence in 1991?“
To answer this question, read more here.

Unknown said...

„What might the reasons be for the lack of significant Ukrainian women prose writers from the 1920s up to Ukrainian independence in 1991?“
To answer this question, read more here.

Unknown said...

Do you know who the Kobzars were? If not, you can find the answer in book from Taras Shevchenko called Kobzar.
A little extract from wikipedia:
„A Kobzar was an itinerant Ukrainian bard who sang to his own accompaniment played on a multistringed bandura or kobza .“

Unknown said...

Browsing the web, I´ve found this book from Wladimir Tchertkoff
which seems to be very interesting:
The Crime of Chernobyl
The Nuclear Goulag
Click to find more about the book and author.

Unknown said...

„...Greater freedom and openness in Ukrainian society and expanded contact with writers from other countries have accelerated the development of Ukrainian literature and opened the door to treatment of subjects that had been taboo under communism. It has also led to stylistic innovations drawing from such movements as postmodernism or the neo-avant garde...“
More you can find here.

Unknown said...

Currently, the Ukrainian literature is reinventing itself due to the declaration of independence and lifting of the censorship that took place in the Soviet Union. Most contemporary mainstream literary works in the Ukrainian literature lie within the postmodernism dimension.
Yuri Andrukhovych, Serhiy Zhadan, Oksana Zabuzhko, Oleksandr Irvanets, Izdryk, Maria Matios, Ihor Pavlyuk are the top contemporary published writers to date.
You can read more about them here.

Unknown said...

„What might the reasons be for the lack of significant Ukrainian women prose writers from the 1920s up to Ukrainian independence in 1991?“
To answer this question, read more here.

M. V. said...

Serhiy and Tatiana Dzyuba became the first Ukrainian writers who won The Little Nobel Prize, Ludvig Nobel International Literature Prize 'Budon'. Ukrainians were awarded for the successful implementation of the international literature project 'Poems by Serhiy and Tatiana Dzyuba in fifty languages', poetry collection 'Selected Poems' (USA), 'Conversation between a man and a woman' (Poland), in particularly.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A very popular Ukrainian fiction writer is Alexander Ivakhnenko who wrote "Dobrozychlyvist" – a well-liked literary work in Ukraine.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

As with most European countries, Ukraine has a well established literary community. In the past many stories where likely passed on by word of mouth until they were eventually committed to written form. As a result, many old Ukrainian fables and stories abound in printed Ukrainian literature today. Besides this, the 20th century has seen the emergence of several well-liked writers and poets and their works have become popular. Those viewed by the Ukrainian public as truly great writers have become literary icons amongst their own people and in many ways, their works have become symbolic of literature in Ukraine.
Ukrainian literature is essentially classified into four main groups – fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and children’s stories.
Poetry is a very popular form of Ukrainian literature and a number of poets have received widespread popularity in the country. Poets like Tara Shevchenko, Viktor Neborak, Ivan Drach, Olena Teliha, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Mykola Vinhranovsky, Iu. Andrykhovych, Volodymyr Fedynyshynets and Hryhorvj Chubaj are well published and distributed across the country. Poetry is enjoyed as an excellent medium of heartfelt expression and many Ukrainians dabble in the art of creating poetry, though they may never publish their works. To many Ukrainians, literature is a form of entertainment, expression and a lifetime passion.

Unknown said...

Ivan Kotlyarevsky, (born Sept. 9 [Aug. 29, old style], 1769, Poltava, Ukraine, Russian Empire—died Nov. 10 [Oct. 29, O.S.], 1838, Poltava), author whose burlesque-travesty of Virgil’s Aeneid was the first work written wholly in the Ukrainian language; it distinguished him as the father of modern Ukrainian literature. TheEneida (1798) transmutes Aeneas and the Trojans into dispossessed Cossacks of the period after the suppression of the Zaporizhska Sich (Cossack territory) in 1775. The work brings together valuable materials not only from the vernacular but also from various distinctive idioms; e.g., those of seminarians, wanderers, and thieves. Kotlyarevsky held a position in Poltava’s bureaucracy and also wrote several plays that still form a part of the classic Ukrainian repertoire.

Unknown said...

Ivan Franko Lviv Literary and Memorial Museum.
There are 26 thousand exhibits in the museum's collection. The most valuable of them are personal belongings of Ivan Franko and his family, the writer's manuscripts, first editions of his works with his autographs, and original photographs. For over sixty years people have been coming to this house which stands in a picturesque location in Lviv near Stryisky Park as to a national sacred place. It was in this house that the prominent writer, scientist, political and public figure lived, wrote his best works, and passed away into immortality.
. Ivan Franko’s study – his favourite room – has been fully restored. The pianoforte at which Ivan Yakovych sat, the table at which he worked – they have all survived.
Franko’s personal things lie on his desk: an inkstand with a pen, books, Hutsul knife for cutting paper, a chandelier, a box for manuscripts. Behind this desk the writer created hundreds of works including the poem “Moses”. Next to the table beside the chair there is the fishing net that the writer made himself. Franko’s bookcases stand filled with books, while portraits and paintings by Ivan Trush – the writer’s close friend – hang on the walls.

Unknown said...

Short characteristics of periods of Ukrainian literature and writers.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Ukrainian romances and art songs by Ukrainian composers on poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko, Oleksandr Oles', Lesya Ukrainka, Vasyl Stus, Vasyl Symonenko, Bohdan-Ihor Antonych, Lina Kostenko and other authors you can find here:

Unknown said...

On this site you can read ukrainian poetry translated into English. There are many periods of uk. literature, for example: 19th century, history and criticism...

Unknown said...

Forests near Prypyat flare.
in May.

... Voices of your fowl
and your ancient stamps.

Age-old pine forests
now suddenly
These burned-down trunks
and crowns reduced to ashes!

Smoke hovers above pines,
and you
in the rain.
There will be neither years nor centuries for you,
but ahundred fires and scorched fields.
This is one short extract of poem about Chornobyl translated by Michael M. Naydan. The whole poem and others you can read here

Unknown said...

The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the US (Наукове Товариство ім. Шевчeнка в Америці) is a Ukrainian-American scholarly institution incorporated in 1948 in the state of New York. It traces its intellectual and scholarly lineage to the Shevchenko Scientific Society established in 1873 in Lviv, Ukraine (then part of Austria-Hungary) which, until its dissolution by the Soviets in 1939, served as the preeminent Ukrainian scholarly society in Ukraine. The headquarters of the Society in the US is located in New York City. Besides offices and lecture halls, it contains a specialized library, a depository of archives pertaining to Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora, and an art collection. The Society has chapters in Washington, DC, Philadelphia, PA, Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI, Cleveland, OH and Boston, MA. The Society cooperates with other national Shevchenko Scientific Societies in Australia, Canada, Poland, Slovakia, Western Europe (headquartered in Sarcelles, France) and since 1989 with the renewed Lviv-based Shevchenko Scientific Society in Ukraine.

Unknown said...

The report form the 6th of May 2014: Join Ukrainian poet Ihor Pavlyuk at St Antony’s College on 6 March for an evening of poetry and paganism, and find out what Nobel Laureate’s read in their spare time.
Ihor Pavlyuk, one of Ukraine’s best contemporary poets, invites us to roam the forests of Ukraine with him while swigging vodka from a hip flask and watching pagan gods flicker among the birches. .......

Unknown said...

Such an interesting list of Prizes of Ukraine in Literature:

Unknown said...

Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto, which publics also some articles about literature is now on Facebook:

Unknown said...

This past summer, two Ukrainian writers celebrated milestone birthdays, a decade after the Orange Revolution and amid new upheavals.

Unknown said...

From April 23-25, 2014, IZOLYATSIA hosted the inaugural Ukrainian Literature Festival in IZOLYATSIA writers’ forum in Donetsk. Lyubko Deresh, an Ukrainian writer, had chosen the topic "Language and Violence". Writers shared their ideas, thoughts and world visions with visitors.
More about this event you can find here:

Unknown said...

Info o autorovi : Ксенія Дмитренко / Kseniya Dmytrenko

Unknown said...

Toto je vyjadrenie Ukrajinskeho spisovatela: Oles Buzina: Ukrajincom nepomôže vyhrať vojnu ani Satan
Clanok k tomu :

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

the Jews who are dedicated to literature in Ukraine

Unknown said...

Here you can read Ukrainian Literature

Unknown said...

Short-list of BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year

Unknown said...

On this page you can find the article in which is written about a muslim literature in Crimea. The self-proclaimed “government” in Russian-annexed Crimea is calling on Muslims to dispose of literature on Islam which previously had been allowed by Ukrainian legislation but which is now prohibited under Russian law.

The list of the so-called “banned literature” includes some 2,000 books. Additionally, since the annexation of Crimea, about 20 Crimean Tatars have vanished, several of whom were later found dead.

Unknown said...

Expres Ukrajina. Antológia súčasnej ukrajinskej poviedky - recenzia na knihu:

M. V. said...

M. V. said...

M. V. said...

Unknown said...

You can read here an acrtical about sales of russian books in the Ukraine. Sales of Russian books in the Ukraine have plummeted in 2014 and the Ukrainian government is looking at passing legislation to curtail imports further. Book sales in Ukraine for the first six months of the current year have declined from 15 million to 5 million rubles, compared with the previous year .The Ukrainian government is looking to make the situation even more challenging by imposing specific sanctions against foreign books and publishers.
Director of marketing department of Azbuka-Atticus, if the proposed sanctions are imposed, the Ukrainian book publishing industry is strong enough to be able to provide the country with literature, even should book imports from Russia cease altogether.

Unknown said...

If somebody is worried, that can't get a handle on the continuing crisis in Kiev because he haven't read any Ukrainian writers, there is many of this formidable lineup wrote on political themes…

Unknown said...

Dokonca aj na Harvarde majú zbierku ukrajinskej literatúry v anglickom preklade.

Unknown said...

CIUS Press is the publishing arm of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies centred at the University of Alberta. They are a leading publisher of scholarly books about Ukraine and Ukrainians in Canada.

Their primary focus is on new and original scholarship and research in English on Ukrainian history, language, literature, contemporary Ukraine, and Ukrainians in Canada. CIUS Press also occassionally publishes English translations of Ukrainian scholarship and belles-lettres and monographs and memoirs in Ukrainian.

Unknown said...

If you are going to Ukraine, you should definitely visit Museum of Ancient Ukrainian Books. This museum is also a research centre, and a separate department of the Lviv Art Gallery.

Unknown said...

The history of Ukrainian written language is thousand-years long. Its origin is ascribed to the times of the Kyivan Rus, but even before the 9th century A.D., the ancestors of Ukrainians had developed an advanced spoken language tradition. The chronicles Account of Bygone Years (Povist' vremennykh lit) is an outstanding memorial that is also a source of historical information, a collection of epic songs, legends and narrations of the Kyivan state epoch. The poetic masterpiece of the ancient literature is Slovo o polku Igorevim. This heroic epic had imbibed the best samples of folklore and has become the common property and pride of the entire Slavic people.

Unknown said...

The Lviv International Literary Festival, sa koná vždy v septembri už od roku 1997. Za tie roky sa festivalu zúčastnilo 536 spisovateľov z 38 krajín. Každoročne sa určuje téma pre celý festival, čím sa spájajú diskusie na dané témy. Témy sú rôzneho zamerania, napr. Cesty k literatúre, Moderná literatúra: domáca vs globálna, Dialóg medzi generáciami...

Unknown said...

If you are going to Ukraine, you should definitely visit Museum of Ancient Ukrainian Books. This museum is also a research centre, and a separate department of the Lviv Art Gallery.

Unknown said...

- V Kyjeve sa každoročne v máji koná ďalší známy festival – Kyivski Lavry. Usporiadateľom festivalu je magazín o súčasnej kultúre SHO. Časťou čítania poézie bola aj diskusia s názvom „Spisovateľ a rešpekt“ a „Elektronická kniha – záchranca alebo zabiják?“. Festivalu sa už zúčastnili tieto známe ikony: Linor Horalyk, Serhii Zhadan, sestry Vronsky, Oleksii Tsvetkov, Bohdan Zadura, Taras Fediuk, Hryhorii Kruzhkov, Marcin Sendecki, Nika Dzhordzhaneli, Yurko Izdryk, Borys Khersonsky, Petro Midianka, Marianna Kiianovska, Andrii Khadanovych, a mnohí ďalší.

Unknown said...
that´s a channel of many poets in ukrainian language

Unknown said...

The Ukrainian collection at the Harvard University Library, the largest collection outside Eastern Europe, is located primarily in Widener Library and Houghton Library.

Unknown said...

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, officially the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukrainian: Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка) is a university located in the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Founded in 1834 as the University of Saint Vladimir, and since then has changed its name several times. Its current official name bears the name of the Ukrainian poet and artist Taras Shevchenko. The 2010 structure consisted of fifteen universities and faculties, four institutes and the total of 20,000 students enrolled.

Unknown said...

In this site was a few days ago published an article about it, that in Crimea Akmescit all the books, published in Ukrainian language and about Ukraine collected and burned ...

Unknown said...

I've added here a similar article. It is also about it, that the Ukrainian government in planning to introduce licensing on Russian books and quotas on foreign book printing ...

Unknown said...

There is another museum, which you should visit, if you are in Ukraine. There you can see the "unity of form and content". There are the most valuable ancient and modern books. You can see the first printed works of famous religious preachers and educators. The evolution of printing is shown there too.

Unknown said...

Sova Books was proud to participate at the fabulous Ukrainian Festival in Adelaide on 1 December 2013. It was full of Ukrainian culture with its music, dances, art and food.

Unknown said...

It is the main academic library and main scientific information centre in Ukraine, Kiev. This unique collection includes books, magazines, serials, maps, sheet music, fine arts materials, manuscripts, rare printed books and incunabula, newspapers, and documents of untraditional materials. The library has the most complete collection of Slavic writing.

Lula said...

Book Platform is a project of Next Page Foundation in cooperation with Armenian Literature Foundation (Armenia), National Publishers Association (Armenia), Georgian Book Publishers Association (Georgia), Publishers Forum-Lviv (Ukraine), supported by Eastern Partnership Culture Programme of the EU. The project idea is in line with the overall objective of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme to support the role of culture in the region's sustainable development and promote regional cooperation among public institutions, civil society, cultural and academic organisations in the Eastern Partnership region and with the European Union. Over the next two and a half years the book sectors in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine will be getting a helping hand in overcoming the challenges that publishing, writing and translating face today.

Johan Filo said... Online library of ukrainian literature

Unknown said...

Современный автор первого украинского технотриллера Макс Кидрук:

eugene said...

Довольно большой выбор украинских писателей для детей в Тартуской городской библиотеке, всё на эстонском

eugenia said...

Stručný biografický prehľad života a diel jednej z kľúčových autoriek vývoja ukrajinskej literatúry 20. storočia

eugene said...

Довольно интересная статья про рейтинг самых успешных украинских писателей современности.

eugene said...

Если вы не знаете, какую книгу прочитать: полезно просмотреть описание и выбрать по своему вкусу.

Peter Michalík said...

Srdečne pozývam na stretnutie s Jurijom Andruchovyčom v máji na BRaK - u:

Unknown said...

V najľudnatejšej a najväčšej krajine s pomedzi daných štátov je najviac rozvinutý literárny život. Na Ukrajine žije niečo menej ako 50 miliónov obyvateľov to je niekoľko nasobné viac ako v ostatných krajinach Východného partnerstva. V roku 2004 bolo na Ukrajine vydaných približne 15 000 nových knižných titulov ( v porovnaní so Slovenskom je to približne o 5000 knižných titulov viac , ale kedže na Slovensku žije 10krát menej obyvateľov , dá sa povedať , že je u nás rozvinutejší literárny život ako na Ukrajine )

Den said...

Title „Florence of the east" portrays fineness of the western Ukrainian city called Lviv. There the Month of authorial reading took its place in July 2015. Among many great writers, Hryhoriy Semenchuk was one who outshined the rest of participants with his poem about Bratislava, from which it was more than possible to feel his genuine affection towards the city. To find out more about “marvellous kid” Hryhoriy or even whole event if you are interested, please click on link below.

Den said...
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Unknown said...

During the July in the cities of Kosice, Brno, Ostrava, Lviv and Wroclaw held event - Author´s Reading Month. This year the main guest was Ukraine. The Authors’ Reading Month includes two programme routes. One presents the national literature; that is, literature native to each location, i.e. Czech, Slovak and Polish. The other route presents literature of a foreign country that is the guest of honour for a given year.

Unknown said...

Pavlo Korobčuk - The author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. He was born in 1984 in Luck, Volhynia, as a son to the poet and critic Peter Korobchuk. He studied Oriental studies. He is a poet – one that is among the generation of so-called “Two-thousanders”, authors who started writing after. He has been actively participating in Ukrainian slam poetry contests since 2006 and he has won them so many times that they nearly ceased to be organized in last three years.

Unknown said...

Oksana Zabuzhko is another author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. She was born in Lutsk in the Volhynia region in 1960 and studied philosophy and aesthetics in Kiev. In the early 1990s, she taught Ukrainian Studies at American universities; today, she is considered one of the most influential contemporary Ukrainian women writers, recognized especially for her novels, which have been translated into several languages Although Zabuzhko is known mainly for her novels, she is also a poet and a literary scientist and works as a journalist.

Unknown said...

Evhenia Kononenko - another author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. She was born in 1959 in Kiev. She is writer, essayist and translator and she is known for several novels, the short story collection and for authoring several children’s books.

Unknown said...

Oleksandr Klymenko is another author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. He was born in 1970 in Korostyshev, a town in the Zhytomyr region in Ukraine. Growing up in a teacher’s family, Klymenko went on to become a writer, a literary critic and a conservatory-trained musician. In 2006, he published the Supraphon project – a part book, part LP containing short stories and novelettes; he is also known for the novel Korostyshevskiy Platonov (2010) and the collection of literary criticism.

Unknown said...

Ostap Slyvynsky is another author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. He was born in 1978 in Lviv and studied Bulgarian language and literature at Lviv University; today, he works at the Department of Polish Language and Literature. He is a poet, translator and literary scientist, best known for his poetry collections (Zhertvoprynoshennya velykoyi ryby [The Sacrifice of the Big Fish], published in 1998. He organizes literary festivals and works as one of the coordinators of the literary section of Lviv’s yearly World Editors Forum. Slyvynsky also sits on the editorial board of the trilingual (Polish-German-Ukrainian) literary review Radar, and his most recent project explores the synthesis of poetry with visual art.

Unknown said...

krajinskej literatúry sa datujú ešte s pred 9. Storočia v Kyevskej rusi. Najvýznamnejším dielom , ktorè bolo nájdene z tejto doby je hrdinský epos Slovo o pluku Igorovom .

Viac na :

Unknown said...

Opened in June 2006 in a new hi-tech building, the National Library in Minsk is the copyright library for the Republic of Belarus. A real source of national pride, it boasts the largest collection of Russian-language books outside of Russia. The central entrance looks like an open book with pictures to highlight the development of the global written language and the Slavonic one as well as a quote in 19 languages from Frantsisk Skorina’s Bible that encourages people to learn.
Video of Library

Unknown said...

Contemporary Ukrainian literature is a notion referred to Ukrainian literature of the past several decades. Most often 1991 as a year of Ukrainian independence is considered as a start of the contemporary Ukrainian literature as from that year on the literary censorship of the Soviet Union ceased to exist and writers were able to deviate from the official socialist realism style. Principal changes took place in Ukrainian literature already in the years of Perestroika (1985) and especially after the Chernobyl disaster. Some researchers consider that contemporary Ukrainian literature started from the 1970-s after the generation of the sixtiers.

Unknown said...

Contemporary Ukrainian literature was also influenced by the New York group of Ukraininan emigre writers, who separated politics from their art in contrast to the politically active sixtiers writers in soviet Ukraine. On the background of stronger censorship and repression in the times of Brezhnev many writers in Ukraine since 1970-s distanced themselves into inner immigration making their literature self-sufficient.

Unknown said...

Ukrainian Literature journal publishes English translations of contemporary writers. A special issue of the International Poetry Review was dedicated to Ukrainian poetry from 1985 to 2010. Among active Ukrainian-English translators are Michael Naydan, Mark Andryczyk, Steve Komarnyckyj, Vitaly Chernetsky.

Unknown said...

A number of writers of Ukraine write in Russian language. Andriy Kurkov is the best known of them. Also a great number of contemporary Russian science fiction writers originally come from Ukraine or still live there (H. L. Oldie, Alexander Zorich, Yuri Nikitin, Andrey Valentinov, Marina and Sergey Dyachenko and Vladimir Arenev).

Unknown said...

Andrey Yuryevich Kurkov is an independent thinker who writes in Russian. He is the author of 18 novels, including the bestselling Death and the Penguin, 7 books for children, and about 20 documentary, fiction and TV movie scripts. His work is currently translated into 35 languages, including English, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Swedish and Hebrew.His books are full of black humour, post-Soviet reality and elements of surrealism.

Unknown said...

Many works of Yuri Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko and Serhiy Zhadan being best known in Ukraine and overseas are translated in English. Ukrainian poet Ihor Pavlyuk for the first time in the history of Ukrainian literature was Winner of a 2013 English PEN Award.

Unknown said...

Yuri Andrukhovych- He is the one credited with having radically renewed Ukrainian poetry in mid 1980's. The poetical group The Bu-Ba-Bu (Burlesque-Blaster-Buffoonery) established by him and his friends, poets Viktor Neborak and Olexandr Irvanets, has forever buried the accepted standards of 'socialist realist' poetry, proposing a new poetical quality, dominated by literary game, carnivalism, urbanism, and total aesthetical freedom.Andrukhovych's poems represented in his main poetry collections – The sky and Squares (1985), Downtown (1989) and Exotic Birds and Plants (1991) - can be described as the first stage of his poetical maturing, which was characterized by fluctuation between post-symbolist, neo-classicist, and post-modern aesthetics.

Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...

This year,the International Literature Festival Odessa (ILO) will take place for the very first time

Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...
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Kristína Pabišová said...
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Unknown said...

Ihar Babkov

Významný bieloruský spisovateľ, ​básnik, filozof a prekladateľ. Narodil sa v Homiel (Bielorusko). Je členom Zväzu bieloruských spisovateľov a bieloruského PEN-Centra.

Po tom, ako skončil štúdium filozofie na Bieloruskej štátnej univerzity v Minsku v roku 1986, absolvoval stáž v Londýne (1992), Varšave (1995), Paríži (1999, na štipendium Hedroits) a Berlíne (získal štipendium Literárneho kolokvia, Berlín 2008). Víťaz takých cien za literatúru ako Hliniany Vielies (1992) a Zalataya Litara (2005). Finalista Stredoeurópskej literárnej ceny Angelus 2009 (Wroclaw). Autor troch kníh poézie "Solus Rex" (1991), "Hrdina vojny pre transparentnosť" (1998) a "Zaspať, prebudiť sa, počúvať hlasy rýb" (2009), románu "Adam Klakocki a jeho tiene" (2001), knihy esejí "Kráľovstvo Bieloruska: Interpretácia Ru [i] n" (2005) a historicko-filozofickej práce "Filozofia Jana Śniadecki" (2002). Preložil J.Joyca, JDSalingera, WBYeatsa, P.Celana.

K literatúre sa dostal začiatku roku 1980, pri čítaní filozofických diel v Minsku. V roku 1986 verejne odišiel z Komsomolu. Zachytil posledné obdobie bieloruského disentu a nejaký čas v roku 1987 bol reportérom v Express-kronike Minska. V tom istom roku sa pripojil k literárnym undergroundových spoločenstvám Babilion a Tuteishyia. Bol zastúpený v prvom samvydat (samizdate) - literárnom zborníku (Litaratura 1 a Litaratura 2), rovnako ako na prvých nezávislých stretnutiach v Minsku. Bol zatknutý, súdený a pokutovaný za organizáciu a účasť na Dziady (stretnutie, ktorého cieľom je uctiť si pamiatku predkov).

Od začiatku roka 1990 sa podieľa na obnove týždenníka "Naša niva", s cieľom vytvoriť nový ne-sovietsku bieloruskú kultúru.

V roku 1995 založil vydavateľstvo "Euroforum", kde začal vydávať časopis "Fragmenty" (filozofia, štúdium kultúry, literatúry), a kde aj vznikla literárna rada "Bibliyateka Frahmenty" (Knižnica Fragmentov) ( "galérie B "," Stredná Európa "," Moderné myslenie ").

Je jedným zo zakladateľov bieloruskej Kalehiyum, autor a signatár Bieloruskej deklarácie slobody.

Od konca roku 1990, spolu s literárnou činnosťoui, začal svoju akademickú kariéru: pracuje v Inštitúte filozofie v Minsku, prednáša na univerzitách v Minska a Vilniuse. V roku 2003 obhájil diplomovú prácu na tému filozofie Śniadecki.

Od druhej polovice rokov deväťdesiatych boli jeho príbehy, básne a eseje preložené do poľštiny, ukrajinčiny, nemčiny, češtiny a maďarčiny. Poľský preklad jeho románu "Adam Klakocki a jeho tiene", vyšiel v roku 2008 vo Varšave a v ten istý rok vyšiel aj poľský preklad jeho knihy esejí.

Unknown said...

Anastasia Afanasyeva is an Ukrainian poet writing in Russian language. She was born in Kharkov and works as a doctor, psychiatrist, in Kharkov psychiatric hospital. Her collection of poetry is called "To Those Who Live There" and was published in 2003.

Unknown said...

Kyjev je považovaná za hlavné mesto ukrajinskej sci-fi / fantasy literatúry. Už od roku 1999 sa tam uskutočňuje literárny festival "Звездный Мост", ktorý sa medzi Ukrajinčanmi teší čoraz väčšej obľube.

Den said...

Lada Luzina (Лада Лузина)
"Half genius, half - retard" - describes herself Lada Luzina, previously infamous journalist of "Boulevard", and now the most popular Ukrainian writer. This woman with a "scythe to the knees", always dressed in extravagant costumes, wonderfully combines literary talent, eccentricity and pragmatism. Luzina - not only the best-selling Ukrainian writer, but also one of the most prolific. In 2012, the market received ten books of this talented 39 years old lady. The book, which Focus recommends to start acquaintance with is "Kiev witches - The Sword and the Cross ".

Unknown said...

The European literary festival
A literary festival also known as a writer´s festival or book festival was held from 3th July to 2nd August 2015. This festival has connected European countries like Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine into one. This festival attended more than 60 authors from Europe. Ukraine was the host country for literary festival in 2015.
A literary festival offers a variety of presentations and readings by authors, but also information about them and their country.
Festival was opened by an author from Czech Republic and Ukraine (Oksana Zabužko one of the popular writers in Ukraine who has won a lot of literary prices from The USA or Europe).
Organizer from Ukraine was a young poet Hryhorij Semenčuk.


Unknown said...

Ľvov, a city where the literary festival was held, is also known as a historic city. Ľvov is the biggest city of the west Ukraine. The historic city is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Unknown said...

Writers from Ukraine that attended the festival: Jurij Andruchovič, Petro Midjanka, Oxana Zabužko.


Unknown said...

Czech page where the information about Ukraine literature can be found – books, writers, translations.


Unknown said...

Page – Electronic library of Ukrainian Literature.
Ukrainian literature in English by Marta Tarnawsky.


Unknown said...

The host country of European library festival was Ukraine. Poet, musician and a festival coordinator Hryhorij Semenčuk - student of Ukrainian language and culture in Ľvov (Lviv).


Unknown said...

A video about young poet. In this short video he said, that the European literary festival is like European wedding (0:42). Interesting.


Unknown said...

In the future, I would like to visit the festival like the European library festival in one of the east countries – Ukraine. I am pretty sure that it would be unforgettable experience, also the city Ľvov is the place in my “to go list”.

Den said...

Interview with Ukrainian writer, screenwriter, playwright, editor of Esquire Ukraine, author of poetry books Fires of St. Elmo, Mustard, analgesic and sleeping pills, storybook Lily after thee, novel Sonia and children's stories Pumpkin year - Katya Babkіna (Катя Бабкіна).

Why do you write?
I think that there is a one possible honest answer - it brings me pleasure. The answer is as in the Soviet cartoon - "just so". Internal reasons that someone might call desire or need to say anything to the world, necessity of change, multiplication of degree of perception - all this for fun, too.

Is it easy to be a writer in Ukraine?
Yes. There is so much material!

Do you already earn money for your means of living?
Yes but I will not go into details. What can I talk about is what is life about and what is necessary but it is topic for another day.

What should be the ideal book like?
An interesting, informative, exciting, and it must be also inspirative plus encouraging to think, to dream, to do, to go and to change.

Describe what kind of writer you will become when you grow up.
I have already grown up.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Ukrainian fiction waits for foreign breakthrough

Ukrainian contemporary fiction will be presented at the world largest book fair in Frankfurt, Germany on Oct. 14 – 18. Last year Ukrainian publishers did not participate in the book fair because of lack of state funding.

Daniela Kipilová said...

Representatives of 300 publishing houses gathered on Sept. 9-13 for the Lviv Book Forum, Ukraine's biggest annual book festival, and one of the biggest such events in Europe.

Daniela Kipilová said...

В Одессу на Международный литературный фестиваль съедутся именитые писатели

На этих днях, с 1 по 4 октября в Одессе проходит важное для интеллектуального сообщества событие – 1-ы­й Международный литературный фестиваль.

В этом южноукраинском городе будут читать свои произведения и дискутировать о политике именитые автори из 14 стран мира, как Элиот Вайнбергер (США), Лукас Берфус (Швейцария), Варужан Возганян (Армения), Сема Кайгусуз (Турция), Йоахим Сарториус (Германия), Самуэль Шимон (Ирак). Среди украинских авторов – это Сергей Жадан, Юрий Андрухович, Андрей Курков, и тоже русские – Виктор Ерофеев и Михаил Шишкин.

С программой фестиваля можно ознакомиться здесь:

Вход для слушателей бесплатный.

Unknown said...

Andrey Khurkov - Ukraine Diaries

The power of Andrey Kurkov’s Ukraine Diaries, covering the period from last November to this April, lies in the interweaving of the extraordinary and the mundane. In his diary entries, he recounts his views on some of the most momentous events in his country’s recent history but intersperses them with accounts of his daily life.

Unknown said...

For many people jewish ukrainian literary creativity is uncommon. Here is a website where you can check authors of such literature.

Unknown said...

Ak máte záujem čítať ukrajinskú literatúru v českom jazyku, zoznam ukrajinských kníh preložených do českého jazyku, nájdete na stránke:

Unknown said...

Ak sa chcete dozvedieť niečo nové o postmoderne v ukrajinskej literatúre, môžete si prečítať stručný článok od Patrika Oriešteka, v ktorom sa dočítate viac aj s vybranými dielami súčasných ukrajinských autorov. Viac nájdete na :
Postmoderna v ukrajinskej literatúre - (s príchuťou škandálu) - Literárne informačné centrum
Ukrajinská literatúra v 80. a 90. rokoch 20. storočia sa mení – odumiera jej ideologická funkcia. V predchádzajúcich obdobiach, po „odmäku“ v 60. rokoch, keď sa v literatúre presadzujú (non)konformní autori (D. Pavlyčko, L. Kostenko, I . Drač, J . Hucalo, V . Ševčuk) a tzv. Kyjevská škola (V . Holo…

Den said...

Sofia Andrukhovych (София Андрухович) found herself in writing in the most natural way: as a child her favourite toys were pens and notebooks, and a favourite game - imitating of behaviour of her famous father, writer Yuri Andrukhovych. Her main passion was always reading and her first novel "Summer of Milena" was released by her when she was only 20. She wrote scandalous novel “Salmon” (Семга) in 2007 and exactly this step made her famous. In present, she is working on new projects, among which is the book of short stories. After all, by her own confession, her treasured activity is to observe the surrounding world, to learn, to make up and to retell the stories.

Den said...

Irena Karpa (Ирена Карпа) is convinced: there is so small number of writers in Ukraine that everyone can find his niche. She inhabited her own one long time ago in literature, as well as in contemporary music. It’s impossible to not take notice of her work: According to last year's survey of Ukrainian GfK company, Karpa ranks second after Kostenko among modern Ukrainian writers that are read and known by Ukrainians. Irena is also an active messenger of Ukrainian culture abroad. Her books have been published in Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, and in the spring of 2014, she represented Ukrainian stand together with other domestic writers at the famous Leipzig book fair.

Den said...

Hrihoriy Semenchuk, 24 years old gifted poet, musician and director of the biggest Ukrainian festival of literature in Lviv, interviewed by Ukrainian Truth.
Why do you write?
I like to speak in unusual way. Language is field of experiments for me.
Is it easy to be a writer in Ukraine?
It’s easy to live in Ukraine, but only for a small group of people. And the writers, like other members of society, are in a constant struggle for dignity.
Do you already earn for your living by writing?
People are used to culture as to a freebie. Therefore, the earnings are modest.
What should be the ideal book like?
My requirement for the book is rhythm.
Describe what kind of writer you will become, when you grow up.
I love esteemed, grey writers but to predict something about someone is always thankless.

Den said...

Dialogue with Les Beley (Белей Лесь) who was born in 1987 in the city of Uzhgorod. He finished his master studies on Ukrainian Philology at Uzhgorod National University and English Philology at University of Wroclaw in Poland.
Why do you write?
For the language (in De Saussure’s sense).
Is it easy to be a writer in Ukraine?
Unbearable easy (not in Kundera’s sense but literally).
Do you already earn money for your means of living by writing?
Not at all.
What should be the ideal book like?
Describe what kind of writer you will become, when you grow up.
Physical growth stopped 5 years ago, I won’t exceed this.

Unknown said...

Úspech v medzinárodnom literárnom festivale v Košiciach :

Unknown said...

Úspech v medzinárodnom literárnom festivale v košiciach :

Unknown said...

Tu si môžete prečítať zaujímavý rozhovor s ukrajinským spisovateľom Jurijnom Vynnyčukom :
Soudy jsem prohrával, říká ukrajinský spisovatel Jurij Vynnyčuk
Přednímu ukrajinskému spisovateli Juriji Vynnyčukovi (1952) byly zatím do češtiny přeloženy jeho Příběhy z Haliče (Portál 2002) a sbírka povídek Chachacha (Kniha Zlín 2009) a chystá se překlad románu Tango smrti.

Unknown said...

Článok o zákaze čítania ruských kníh na Ukrajine :
Ukrajina „cenzuruje“ dovoz ruských knih. Knihy se cenzurují i v USA
Literární noviny | měsíčník pro kritické myšlení. Literární noviny vychází v první polovině měsíce.

Unknown said...

Našla som stručný článok o tom ako sa Rusko chystá vydať novú knihu namierenú proti Ukrajine :

Unknown said...

Na tejto stránke som sa dočítala o návšteve bieloruských spisovateľoch, ktorí boli na návšteve na Slovensku. Tu je stručný obsah ich výletu :
Bieloruský spisovateľ sa stretol aj s Winterovcami -
Delegácia zložená z bieloruských spisovateľov a kultúrnych pracovníkov sa na konci júna vydala po stopách jedného z najvýznamnejších bieloruských spisovateľov – Janka Kupalu. Ich kroky viedli aj do Piešťan. Kupala sa totiž v minulosti stretol aj s Winterovcami. “Rok 2015 je pre kultúrne vzťahy med…

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Something about Pavlo Korobčuk - one of the young writers:

Unknown said...

Korobčuk book was translated into the slovak language.

Unknown said...

Representatives of 300 publishing houses gathered on Sept. 9-13 for the Lviv Book Forum, Ukraine's biggest annual book festival.

Unknown said...

Ukrainian science fiction writers predicted the russian invasion.
Fedor Berezin is a former Soviet military officer and science fiction writer in Ukraine. Now, two of his novels — War 2010: The Ukrainian Front and War 2011: Against NATO — have become reality. And he's not the only Ukrainian SF author who imagined the Russian invasion before it happened.
Another dystopia Omega, by veteran sci-fi/fantasy writer Andrei Valentinov, came out in 2005, shortly after Ukraine's pro-Western Orange Revolution. It depicted three alternate-history versions of 2004, one of them a dystopia in which Crimea had been invaded and occupied by NATO forces in 1995; while the main characters were resistance fighters, they were both anti-Moscow and anti-NATO.
Read more here

Unknown said...

In sepember 2013 the book Ukrainian Science Fiction: Historical and Thematic Perspectives was released.
As the first of its kind, the present study of Ukrainian science fiction encompasses both the historical and thematic features of this genre. It contains a discussion of the representative and the most imaginative Ukrainian science fiction works published by writers residing in Ukraine and abroad.
The author focuses on the historical legacy of Ukrainian science fiction, with a special emphasis on the authors of the formative period and the émigré authors who wrote after the Second World War, but were totally ignored during the Soviet political hegemony. It is followed by an analysis of the impact of Soviet ideology on the science fiction that prevailed in Ukraine from the 1920s to the late 1950s.

Unknown said...

Valeriy Shevchuk is a contemporary Ukrainian writer. He was born in Zhytomyr, Ukraine on 20 August 1939. He is not only writer, but also translator. He translated for example several collections of love poetry of the 16th to 19th centuries "Songs of Cupid" (1984) and of heroic poetry of the 9th and 10th centuries “Field of Mars” in 2 volumes (1989), “The Chronicle of Samiylo Velychko” (two-volume, 1991), etc. Novels and short stories are the most usual Novels and short stories are the basic genres of his literary work. His works were translated in 22 different languages. He is a laureate of Taras Shevchenko Prize, the Antonovych Foundation Award and many others.

Unknown said...

Here is a translation of Valeriy Shevchuk´s book “In the Midweek” (1967) or “Hа поли смиренномy”, by Victoria Kholmogorova:

Unknown said...

“History is created not only by statesmen, but predominantly by ‘little people’. While others may write about these statesmen – those authors who see and know them better – this is not my mission in life. Before me lies only the world which I see before my eyes – no matter that people say it has no future, that it is atypical, trifling. In my opinion, one cannot perceive the great things in life, without being well acquainted with the trifling things, for each great thing is composed of a myriad tiny things. One cannot refer to something which exists as having no future. If something exists, then it is there, and everything which is there, has a future, because it exists. People have the good fortune of not being able to foretell their future, therefore all of our judgments about things which have promise or not is one of our many delusions, and even more – it is a sign of our arrogance, a result of our biased outlook on life, a consequence of the game of life that we play at, which is why I used the word future in inverted commas in the subheading to my novel Roman iurby – Chronicle of a Street Without Any “Future”. I know one thing, though – in their passions people are steadfast throughout history, and it makes no difference, whether they are great or small – they are still people. Whether a vessel is large or small, it remains a vessel; gloom, large or small, is gloom all the same; large and small lights are still all lights. A tree is judged or praised, not according to its height, but according to the fruits it yields.”

(Valeriy Shevchuk)

Unknown said...

In 2011, leading Ukrainian intellectuals signed a letter urging President Viktor Yanukovych to stop persecuting Yulia Tymoshenko and other political opponents.

More information:

Unknown said...

On the website of an Ukrainian-American scholarly institution you can find various translations of Ukrainian literature. Here is a link to Valeriy Schevchuk´s „The Devil Who Is“, translated by Olha Rudakevych:

Unknown said...

BBC Ukrainian Service Book of the Year Prize : BBC oznámila spustenie svojho ročného literárne vyznamenania. Odmeňovaňuje najlepšie beletristické diela v ukrajinskom jazyku - BBC kniha roka (Книга року BBC 2014) a BBC detskej knihy roka (Дитяча Книга року BBC 2014) - v spolupráci s kultúrnym programom Európskej banky pre obnovu a rozvoj (EBOR).

Unknown said...

Article about literary, theatre and musical festival in Banská Štiavnica in august 2015.

Unknown said...

35 poets from 9 countries will converge on the western Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi September 3-6. More info:

Unknown said...

Great website about ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.

Unknown said...

International literature festival took place in july 2015 in Košice. Ukrainian literature was very successful and attracted a lot of visitors. More info:

Unknown said...

Najpredávanejšia Ukrajinská kniha "Raven" (alebo Чорний Ворон) bola vydaná v roku 2009 a predalo viac ako 100.000 kópií.V roku 2011 mu bola udelená Shevchenko National Prize , ukrajinská najvyššia literárna cena , ktorej výhra má hodnotu $32,000 , ale autor odmietol túto finančnú odmenu na protest voči ukrajinskej vláde. Taká zaujímavosť , knihy tohto autora sú najčastejšie kradnuté z kníchkupectiev .

viac informácií :

Unknown said...

One of the best writer from Ukraine is Michail Afanasievic Bulgakov , he was born in 1891 in Kiev but from his 30 years he lived in the Moscow. He had gradueted the medical school in Kiev University. In 1920 he left medicine and start write. He died in 1940 in Moscow.

Unknown said...

Michail Bulgakov bibliography: Novels and short stories
Записки на манжетах - ''Notes on The Cuffs'' 1922
Белая гвардия - "The White Guard" 1924
Собачье сердце - "Heart of a Dog" 1925
Роковые яйца - "Fatal eggs" 1925
Похождения Чичикова - "Chichikov's adventures" 1925
Записки юного врача - "Notes of a country doctor" 1925
Морфий - "Morfine" 1926
Мастер и Маргарита - "The Master and Margarita" written between 1929 - 1939

Unknown said...

Yuri Andrukhovych was born in 1960 in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. He began to publish his poetry in literary journals in 1982. In 1985, he and others founded the popular literary performance group “Bu-Ba-Bu,” which was a seminal part of the literary culture of the Eighties in Ukraine. He has published four books of poetry, and numerous essays and short stories. A novel, Recreations, was translated into English by Marko Pavlyshyn and published by the Canadian Institute of Ukranian Study Press in 1998.

Unknown said...

Bu-Ba-Bu (бурлеск, балаган, буфонадаis) a literary performance group. The group was founded in April 1985 in L'viv. The group's three syllables stand for "burlesque, balagan, and buffonada".The idea behind the groups formation was in order to present a carnival like interpretation of events in Ukraine.

Unknown said...

Andrukhovych’s most important achievements in the field of literary translation include his Ukrainian rendering of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet (published in 2008), the anthology Den’ smerty pani Den’ (The Day Lady Day Died, 2006) of the American Beat Generation poetry, and his translations from German (Reiner Maria Rilke), Polish (Tadeusz Konwicki), and Russian (Boris Pasternak).

Unknown said...

Recreations(Рекреації) is a novel of carnivalesque vitality and acute social criticism. It celebrates newly found freedom and reflects upon the contradictions of post-Soviet society. Four poets and an entourage of secondary characters converge on fictional Chortopil for the Festival of the Resurrecting Spirit, an orgy of popular culture, civic dysfunction, national pride, and sex. Recreations, first published in Ukrainian in 1992, established Andrukhovych as a sophisticated, yet seductively readable comic writer with penetrating insights into his volatile times.The novel delights with its extravagant and eccentric variety.

Unknown said...

The Moscoviad is an English translation of the short novel Московіада (1993) written by the Ukrainian author Yuri Andrukhovych. The Moscoviad was translated from the original Ukrainian into English by Vitaly Chernetsky. It may be regarded as a part of the trilogy which also includes Perverzion and Recreations. The three novels are not logically connected but all of them feature the postmodern style and deal with the same type of the protagonist — a picaresque Ukrainian poet. The Moscoviad depicts the adventures of Otto Vilgelmovych von F. which take place in the course of one day in 1992 in Moscow shown as a diverse, multicultural and disorganized city controlled by KGB and having imperial ambitions. The text is written in a rich and vivid language, exhibiting the elements of magic realism and mentioning multiple historical and cultural figures.

Unknown said...

Yuri Andrukhovych’s Perverzion (Перверзія)is a wonderful post-modern romp, telling the story of what may be the last week in the life of Stakh Perfetsky, poet, dandy, trickster, performer, traveller and, of course, lover. He is giving a speech at a conference in Venice called The Postcarnival Absurdity of the World:What is on the Horizon? From the very beginning we learn that he may have died, either by jumping into or being pushed into the canal.Andrukhovych mocks the participants, Venice, Ukrainian politics and Stakh, while telling a funny and thoroughly chaotic story of sex, love, politics, literature and the other finer things of life (and death).

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Six poems by Yuri Andrukhovych:

Unknown said...

Recenziu na básne Lúbiť od Alexandra Ivanca možme najsttu

Unknown said...

I found three book reviews of this book of Yuri Andrukovych, it is interesting how those three reviewers look differently at that book rev. 1 , rev. 2 , rev. 3

Unknown said...

Oleksandr Mykhed is another author, who participated in The Author's Reading Month. He was born in Kiev in 1988 and after finishing his university studies, became a research fellow at the Taras Sevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Mykhed is the curator of several art projects. Mykhed’s most recent novel Astra, a “dynamic psychological thriller” exploring “the deepest fears of the human consciousness”, came out this February.

Unknown said...

I would like to write about authors, who participated in event - Author´s Reading Month. The first is Oksana Zabuzhko who won a literary prize 'Angelus' for his book' The museum abandoned secrecy in 2013.

Unknown said...

There you can see a record from event - Author´s Reading Month, where is an interview with Oksana Zabuzhko.

Unknown said...

Official page Oksana Zabuzhko, where you can read about her biography, poetry, non-fiction and also about other interesting things.

Unknown said...

The short sample from a book Field work in Ukrainian sex, which translate very famous translator Rita Kindlerová.

Unknown said...

Although older, but very interesting interview with Oksana Zabužko.

Unknown said...

Another short sample from a book The museum abandoned secrecy, which translate Rita Kindlerová again.

Unknown said...

Oksana Zabuzhko is a modern woman, because she has also a facebook page -, where publish every day.

Unknown said...

Oksana Stefanivna Zabuzhko (Окса́на Стефа́нівна Забу́жко) is ukrainian contemporary poet, writer and essayist. She was born in 1960 in ukrainian Lutsk. She studied philosophy at Kiev Shevchenko University. She graduated in 1982 and obtained PhD degree in philosophy of arts in 1987. Zabuzhko lives in Kyiv.

Unknown said...

In 1992 she taught at Penn State University, then she taught Ukrainian literature at Harvard University and the University of Pittsburg (1994). Oksana also worked as a columnist for some of the Ukraine’s journals. Currently she works at the Hryhori Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Unknown said...

Zabuzhko is well-known both for her literary works and criticizm. Field Work in Ukrainian Sex was translated in eight languages. Later, it was named as “the most influental Ukrainian book for the 15 years of independence“. She draws a lot of attention to the questions of Ukrainian self-indentification, post-colonial issues and feminism.

Unknown said...

Her book Let My People Go won the Korresponedent magazine Best Ukrainian documentary work award in 2006. “The Museum of Abandoned Secrets“ was Best Ukrainian Book 2010.

Unknown said...

Zabuzhko’s selected bibliography – poetry:
-May Frost (1985) Травневий іній
-The Conductor of the Last Candle (1990) Диригент останньої свічки
-Hitchhiking (1994) Автостоп
-Second Attempt (2005) Друга спроба

Unknown said...

Zabuzhko’s prose:
-Field Research in Ukrainian Sex (1996) Польові дослідження з українського сексу
-Sister, Sister (2003) Сестро, сестро
-The Museum of Abandoned Secrets (2009) Музей покинутих секретів

Unknown said...

Zabuzhko’s non-fiction:
-Notre Dame d'Ukraine: Ukrayinka in the Conflict of Mythologies (2007) Notre Dame d’Ukraine: Українка в конфлікті міфологій
-Let my People Go: 15 Texts About Ukrainian Revolution (2005) Let my people go. 15 текстів про українську революцію
-The Fortinbras Chronicles (1999) Хроніки від Фортінбраса
-Philosophy of the Ukrainian Idea and the European Context: Franko Period (1992) Філософія української ідеї та європейський контекст: Франківський період
-Ukrainian Palimpsest. Conversations of Oksana Zabuzhko and Iza Chruslinska. ""Ukraiński palimpsest". Rozmowy Oksany Zabużko z Izą Chruślińską" 2013.

Unknown said...

"Literární a jiná Ukrajina" is name of the video, in which 29th publication of magazine "PLAV", with sub-title "Poetry in the UA", is presented. Video was published on 19.9.2014 and offer selection of production of ukrainian poets such as Gregory Semenchuk or Irina Schuvalova.

Unknown said...

Also in Ukraine there is something like Prizes of Ukraine in Literature . As you can see, there exist such a high number of these Prizes. E.g.
Taras Shevchenko National Prize is the highest distinction in Ukraine for weighty contribution to the development of culture. In 1962-2012 Shevchenko Award was given to more than 600 authors and 9 collective ensembles.As you can read in text "The Shevchenko Republican Prize was established on May 20, 1961 in according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. The prizes that should be awarded annually were established at the same time."

Unknown said...

The Canadian Institut of Ukrainien Studies established in February 2007 Forum of Ukrainian Studies. This web blog helps with analysing of current events in Ukraine. In category called Books and Publications reader can find some articles about new publication from the area of Ukraine, but also below every article there is a discusion, where you can read also another opinions about these articles. In category Our Authors you can find 3 authors (Volodymyr Kravchenko, David Marples and Taras Kuzio. By clicking on their name, a biography and a full listing of their contributions will be shown.

Unknown said...

One of my previous comment was about Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto, which publicates also some articles about literature. This Institute is now on Facebook. "Funpage" is updated few times in a month.

Unknown said...

Ihor Pavlyuk is one of the most popular contemporary ukrainian writers and translators. In 2013 he (as 1st ukrainian philologist) won English PEN Award with poetry masterpiece called "A Flight over the Black Sea". Book was translated by Steve Komarnyckyj and published by Waterloo Press in 2014. More about this book: HERE

Unknown said... is platform in UK. The main goal of this organization is to poromote Ukraine also in UK by many events.
The Literary Club in London provides an opportunity also for those, who are interested in Ukrainian literature to meet and discuss both classical and contemporary works. The club meets monthly and is led by London-based Ukrainian poet Volodymyr Oleyko. Readings and discussions are held in Ukrainian language. You can also get information about past an upcomming events.

Unknown said...

Arsenal Art festival je 5 dňový literárny festival zameraný na rôzne publikum. Môže sa pýšiť s pomerne vysokou návštevnosťou festival totiž ponúka široký sortiment literárnej beletrie detské knihy, non-fiction atď, rovnako ako vynikajúce prostredie pre objavovanie.

Unknown said...

Светла́на Алекса́ндровна Алексие́вич (Укр.: Світлана Олександрівна Алексієвич) украинско- белорусская журналистка и писательница. В 2013 году она получила премию мира от немецких книготорговцев. В том же году, и она получила номинацию на Нобелевскую премию по литературе. 7.ноября 2014 она приехала в Пражской фестиваль писателей.
В этом году получила Нобелевскую премию по литературе 2015 для ее полифонических сочинений, памятник страданий и мужества в наше время.

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